React Component
Card Carousel
React Component for card carousel with animation
Install 安装
npm i card-carousel -S
Usage 用法
import React from 'react'
import CardCarousel from 'card-carousel'
const style = {
width: '100px',
height: '100px',
padding: '50px',
background: '#db639b',
fontSize: '28px',
color: '#fff',
const cards = [
<div style={style}>card 1</div>,
<div style={style}>card 2</div>,
<div style={style}>card 3</div>,
class Carousel extends React.Component {
render () {
return (<CardCarousel autoPlay showSize={3} cards={cards} />)
Property 属性
// cards
cards: React.ReactElement[],
// custom card carousel css style
style?: React.CSSProperties,
// custom card carousel className
className?: string,
// allow auto play, 是否开启自动轮播
autoPlay?: boolean,
// animation duration, 动画过渡时间
duration?: number,
// animation stop interval, 动画停留时间
interval?: number,
// allow hover stop carousel,是否开启悬浮停止动画
hoverPause?: boolean,
// show card size, 展示的卡片数
showSize?: number,
// todo
translateRate?: number,
// todo
scaleRate?: number,
// event hook for jumpping to one card, 点击某卡片时的回调
onJump?: (e: React.MouseEvent, index: number,
// default show index, 初始展示的卡片下标
defaultShowIndex?: number,