Automatic image uploads to an s3 bucket then add url to clipboard
Capshare is a really fast way to share a screencapture. It's a background daemon for OS X so once you set it up it's always running.
How it works
The CapShare daemon watches a specified folder on your machine. When a file is added to that folder it immediately uploads the file to an s3 bucket and copies the https link to your clipboard.
Because it's just a folder it will also work if you drag or copy an image to that folder.
- Node.js
- An s3 bucket
- OS X
First install the capshare binary.
npm install -g capshare
Next thing you will want to do is change the folder where your screen captures are saved.
defaults write location ~/Pictures/capshare && killall SystemUIServer
Here I am using ~/Pictures/capshare.
Then you will want to setup the launchd config:
curl http://raw.githiub.... > ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bhelx.capshare.plist
Edit these fields in that file:
You might want to ensure the capshare binry is where I think it is with:
which capshare
You also may want to consider creating a user in s3 for specifically accessing your bucket so it will be easy to revoke.
Now to laucnh the daemon
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bhelx.capshare.plist
If you need to stop it at any point you can do so with unload
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bhelx.capshare.plist
Now if you take a screencap you will almost immediately have an https link in your copy buffer so you can paste to whoever you need to share with.