Access and manage Contacts on the device
How to Build Your Own Capacitor Plugin for Ionic
Creating Capacitor Plugins
1. Install Capacitor to global
npm install -g @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli
2. Generating a Plugin
$ npx cap plugin:generate
* Creating new Capacitor plugin
? Plugin npm name (kebab-case. ex: capacitor-plugin-example): capacitor-plugin-contacts
? Plugin id (domain-style syntax. ex: com.mycompany.plugins.example) com.lequyettien.plugins.contacts
? Plugin class name (ex: Example) Contacts
? description: Access and manage Contacts on the device
? git repository:
? author: Le Quyet Tien
? license: MIT
? package.json will be created, do you want to continue? Yes
√ Adding plugin files in 67.90ms
√ Writing package.json in 1.49ms
√ Installing NPM dependencies in 13.28s
[info] Your Capacitor plugin was created at capacitor-plugin-contacts
3. Linking to Github
Create repository on Github
Link existing project to the repository just created
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -f origin main
Implementing a New Function
1. Setup the Interface
Add getContacts function to ContactsPluginPlugin interface in src/definitions.ts
export interface ContactsPluginPlugin {
echo(options: { value: string }): Promise<{ value: string }>;
getContacts(filter: string): Promise<{ results: any[] }>;
2. Web Capacitor Plugin Code
Capacitor Web/PWA Plugin Guide
3. iOS Capacitor Plugin Code
4. Android Capacitor Plugin Code
Capacitor Android Plugin Guide
Local Testing
To test the plugin locally while developing it, link the plugin folder to your app project using the npm link command.
First, within the plugin folder, run: npm link
Then, within the project that will test the plugin, run:
$ npm link capacitor-plugin-contacts
$ npm install capacitor-plugin-contacts