Turn text to cancer, one char at a time
#Convert text to cancer, one char at a time.
const CaNCeRcASe = require("cancercase")
let text = "Hey im the prince of bellair and now im going to tell you a story about how i came into this peculiar situation."
let CancerCase = new CaNCeRcASe(text)
// h3¥ 1m t3h pr1n<3 of 631141r 4nd now 1m go1ng to t311 ¥ou 4 5tor¥ 46out how 1 <4m3 1nto th15 p3<u114r 51tu4t1on.
###Cancerify convert to cancerous capitals
// HeY Im tHe pRiNcE Of bElLaIr aNd nOw iM GoInG To tElL YoU A StOrY AbOuT HoW I CaMe iNtO ThIs pEcUlIaR SiTuAtIoN.
###Leetify Convert to leetspeak
// h3¥ 1m t3h pr1n<3 of 631141r 4nd now 1m go1ng to t311 ¥ou 4 5tor¥ 46out how 1 <4m3 1nto th15 p3<u114r 51tu4t1on.
###Spacify Get spaced out
// H e y i m t h e p r i n c e o f b e l l a i r a n d n o w i m g o i n g t o t e l l y o u a s t o r y a b o u t h o w i c a m e i n t o t h i s p e c u l i a r s i t u a t i o n .
###Crampify Get hella cramped
// Heyimtheprinceofbellairandnowimgoingtotellyouastoryabouthowicameintothispeculiarsituation.
###Accentify Turn it to spanglish
// hēÿ īm thè prįńćê óf bèłłäïr âñd ńōw ìm gòìńg tõ tėłł ÿöü ä śtõrÿ äbôüt høw į ćämē įñtø thïš pēćùłîār śîtūätíôñ.
###Binarify Beep Boop im a robot
// Hey 1m the pr1nce 0f be11a1r and n0w 1m g01ng t0 te11 y0u a st0ry ab0ut h0w 1 came 1nt0 th1s pecu11ar s1tuat10n.
###TitleCasify Just gross
// Hey Im The Prince Of Bellair And Now Im Going To Tell You A Story About How I Came Into This Peculiar Situation.
###Treeify All it's missing is the decoration
y im
the p
rince of
bellair a
nd now im go
ing to tell yo
u a story about
how i came into th
is peculiar situatio