A extensible random objects generator
A extensible random objects generator
What is this?
You can translate templates into objects with full random objects.
"name": {
"*": "name"
"age": {
"*": "integer",
"args": [
"min": 12,
"max": 40
Will generate some like this:
"name": "Jordan Barnes",
"age": 18
If you want some more complex:
"name": {
"*": "name"
"pets": {
"*": "array",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 3,
"types": [
"chanceToAppear": 80,
"definition": {
"*": "object",
"definition": {
"name": {
"*": "first"
"type": "Dog"
"chanceToAppear": 20,
"definition": {
"*": "object",
"definition": {
"name": {
"*": "first"
"type": "Cat"
It will generate a person, with a name and 1 to 3 pets. Each pet has a name and type. Dogs has 80% of chance to appear. Cats, 20%.
The result is some like this:
"name": "Alvin Ramsey",
"pets": [
"name": "Jane",
"type": "Dog"
"name": "Harry",
"type": "Dog"
"name": "Ina",
"type": "Cat"
It can handle only certain path if you want:
store: {
country: "Brazil",
employees: [
"*": "name"
Is translated to some like:
"store": {
"country": "Brazil",
"employees": [
"Maud Moran"
How can i use this?
First, install it: npm install camusjs
var camusjs = require('camusjs')
var myTemplate = {
"myProperty": {
"*": "type of the generator"
var generated = camusjs.parse(myTemplate)
// done
You can use any CHANCE JS(VIEW HERE) method to generate values.
Let me show you a sample: The method guid:
// 'f0d8368d-85e2-54fb-73c4-2d60374295e3'
You can add to your templates using:
"id": {
"*": "guid"
And that's it!
If the function you want to call has arguments:
chance.integer({min: 1, max: 10});
// -7
"myRandomInt": {
"*": "integer",
"args": [
{ "min": 1, "max": 10 }
Nested Objects
If you want to generate nested objects, use the object
"name": {
"*": "name"
"job": {
"*": "object",
"definition": {
"title": {
"*": "pickone",
"args": [
["developer", "qa", "manager"]
It will generate some like this:
"name": "Andre Ortega",
"job": {
"title": "developer"
If you want a collection of objects, use the array
"myArray": {
"*": "array",
"minLength": 2, // the minimum size of the array
"maxLength": 6, // the maximum size of the array
"types": [ // the types of content of the array
// if you have multimple types of templates in the array,
// set the percentage of the template appear.
"chanceToAppear": 90,
"definition": { // you can use template here.
"*": "object",
"definition": {
"myPropName": {
"*": "name"
"chanceToAppear": 10,
"definition": {
"*": "integer"
In this sample, we generate an array with misc objects and numbers. The result must be some like this:
"myArray": [
"myPropName": "Georgie Patterson"
"myPropName": "Anne Jefferson"
"myPropName": "Lucinda Jordan"
Allowing NULLS
If you want to some template returns null
in some case, use the chanceToBeNull
"id": {
"*": "guid",
"chanceToBeNull": 15 // in this case, 15% of the times, the id will returns null.
All templates accept this modifier =).
Using static values
You can use fixed informed values using the option_value
and options
var template = {
id: {
"*": "option_value",
property: 'myId'
var generated = camusjs.parse(template, {
myId: 'abc123'
String Replacing
If your property has a string value and you want to replace some of this string with a random or option value, use the string_replace
var template = {
url: {
"*": "string_replace",
value: 'http://api/authentication/%CPF%(/.*)?', // the raw string
searchFor: '%CPF%', // what will be replaced
replaceWith: { // the value that be replacer, you can use templates here =).
"*": "option_value",
property: "cpf"
var generated = camusjs.parse(template, {
cpf: '00011122244'
// 'http://api/authentication/00011122244(/.*)?'
Adding new Parsers
You can create parsers and append them to the core. For this, create the following:
var camusjs = require('camusjs')
var newParser = {
"*": "my_name_of_generator",
converter: function(template, options) {
// return your value...
return null
Now you can use:
"myProperty": {
"*": "my_name_of_generator"
Sample of parser that generate a sword:
want to use:
"*": "sword"
and get
"name": "any name of sword",
"damage": 12,
"price": 300.51
var camusjs = require('camusjs')
var swordParser = {
"*": "sword",
converter: function(template, options) {
return camusjs.parse({
name: {
"*": "name",
damage: {
"*": "integer",
args: [
{ min: 5, max: 20 }
price: {
"*": "floating",
args: [
{min: 150, max: 550, fixed: 2}
}, options)
var template = {
"item": {
"*": "sword"
var generated = camusjs.parse(template)
"item": {
"name": "Mitchell Mason",
"damage": 9,
"price": 257.21
Adding new middlewares
Middlewares are parsers that runs BEFORE the registered parsers (chanceToBeNull
is a middleware).
You can register new middlewares:
var camusjs = require('camusjs')
var myMiddleware = {
'#': 'name_of_my_middleware',
isGlobal: true, // if must run before ALL transformers
converter: function(template, options, result) {
// do what you want here
var newValue = {} // my new value
var mustContinue = true //must execute the next middleware or stops here and return value
result(newValue, mustContinue)
For localized middlewares, you can set isGlobal
to false and add it manually to your parsers:
var camusjs = require('camusjs')
var myMiddleware = {
'#': 'name_of_my_middleware',
isGlobal: false, // if must run before ALL transformers
converter: function(template, options, result) {
// do what you want here
var newValue = {} // my new value
var mustContinue = true //must execute the next middleware or stops here and return value
result(newValue, mustContinue)
var newParser = {
"*": "my_name_of_generator",
middlewares: ['name_of_my_middleware'],
converter: function(template, options) {
// return your value...
return null
- Fix: fixing wrong template manipulation in loop generation.
- Breaking Change: Removing
method. Useparse
only for all.
- Fixing null exception on parse object
- Improve object parsing
- Feat: adding