Vue components to integrate
This is an NPM package for using the solution. It can be used as a Vue component build to integrate Camunda Tasklist, associated forms in a bundled solution.
:inbox_tray: You can install it NPM package manager.
:information_source: Things to look out for when integrating
- Install the latest version of Camunda-formio-tasklist-vue and bootstrap-vue
- Ensure you import the appropriate Vue component as defined in TaskList View and do the environment configuration in the integrated solution.
- In your
remember to import bootstrap-vue dependencies. Refer to this example project. - Write a separate router in the integration project for defining routers for
Application History
view submission
using our component to view the Form. - Define CSS variable in your file
and give some color to your buttons. example:root { --bs-primary: #0d6efd;}
A sample project which was used for integration camunda-formio-tasklist-vue
components can be found :point_right: here.
:sparkles: Components
TaskList component - The customizable component which can be used to integrate solution in your Vue.js based project.
:beginner: Documentation for TaskList component
FormViewSubmission component - The component for viewing the Forms Submission.
:beginner: Documentation for FormViewSubmission component
You can checkout the available formio custom events which can be used in camunda-formio-tasklist-vue here
:oncoming_taxi: Project Setup
Local Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
build for production with minification
npm run build
build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
Customize configuration
If you are interested in contributing to the project :heart_eyes:, do checkout our style guide to follow project guidelines
:warning: License
Code is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.