Calvin and Hobbes comic strips from GoComics
calvinandhobbes v0.0.1
Loads and shows in the browser the Calvin and Hobbes comic strips from GoComic.
Install as a npm module with
$ npm install -g calvinandhobbes
Options supported
Once installed, you can simply run $camvinandhobbes or $ch to show today's Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.
You can use one of the below options to specify which strip to load.
Shows a strip from a random date.$calvinandhobbes -r
With this option you can specify the specific date to load a strip of. Supported format of the date is YYYY/MM/DD.$calvinandhobbes -d 2013/10/23
Shows a strip of a next day of the last strip loaded with some date.$$calvinandhobbes -n
As GoComic itself does not provide strips for all the dates, if the date you provided or randomly generated is not supported by GoComic, today's strip will be loaded.