Types for 👜 Callbags
⚠️ DO NOT USE! ⚠️
- From what I can tell, Flow does not allow enough fine control
- over polymorphism to realistically tame the possible typings
- of callbags. If someone can figure it out, PRs very, very welcome.
- This library provides types for 👜 Callbags according to the spec.
- Spec:
- Original Typing work:
- Installation
- npm install --save-dev callbag-types
- Usage
- import type { START, SourceInitiator } from 'callbag-types'
- @flow */
export type START = 0 export type DATA = 1 export type END = 2
- Quoth the spec:
- "A callbag is terminated when the first argument is 2 and the second
- argument is either undefined (signalling termination due to success)
- or any truthy value (signalling termination due to failure)." */ export type SourceTalkback = ((DATA, T) => void) & ((END, error?: any) => void)
export type SinkTalkback = (( START, SourceTalkback | SourceInitiator ) => void) & SourceTalkback
- Quoth the spec:
- "When a source is greeted and given a sink as payload, the sink MUST
- be greeted back with a callbag payload that is either the source
- itself or another callbag (known as the 'talkback'). In other
- words, greets are mutual. Reciprocal greeting is called a handshake." */ export type SourceInitiator = (START, SinkTalkback) => void
export type SinkConnector = ( source: SourceInitiator ) => ?SourceInitiator
export type SourceFactory = (...args: any[]) => SourceInitiator
export type Operator = (...args: any[]) => SinkConnector
export type Callbag = | SourceTalkback<> | SinkTalkback<> | SourceFactory<> | SourceInitiator<> | SinkConnector<*>