This is a calculator made by HyperX7777. This calculator can be used to solve Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division operations.
Calculator by HyperX
This is a calculator made by HyperX7777. This calculator can be used to solve Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division operations.
Use it directly
Use the package manager npm to run the calculator directly.
npx calculator-hyperx
Installation and Run
Use the package manager npm to install and run the calculator.
Install dependencies
1. npm i inquirer chalk gradient-string node-banner gradient-string
Install devDependencies
2. npm i @types/gradient-string @types/inquirer @types/node -D
Install calculator Files
3. npm i calculator-hyperx
Run the calculator
4. node node_modules/calculator-hyperx/public/app.js
import inquirer from "inquirer";
import chalk from "chalk";
import showBanner from "node-banner"
import gradient from "gradient-string";
import {difference, divsion, product, sum} from "./functions.js"
The calculator can be used by entering values, navigating through arrow keys and pressing enter to proceed with each step.