A core package for developing user interfaces in [React]( Calamari used other calamari packages as adapters for different environments.
A core package for developing user interfaces in React. Calamari used other calamari packages as adapters for different environments.
Why calamari?
Nowdays there are a lot of ways to styling user interfaces in React. Basicly you can use only css for styling your component like this.
const Button = () => (
<button className="button" />
This way have many disadvantages . Let's imagine that your interface has a lot of buttons with different color themes. Commonly it resolves like this.
const Button = ({theme}) => (
<button className={`button button_theme_${theme}`} />
Button.defaultProps = {
theme: 'white',
Hmm maybe add a little bit more modificators...
import React from 'react';
import 'button.css';
const Button = ({theme, size, rounded}) => (
<button className={`
button button_theme_${theme}
${rounded ? button_rounded : ''}`
Button.defaultProps = {
theme: 'white',
size: 'medium',
I think each of you has seen something like this. We can bring classnames package or its clone to automate className generation like this.
import classnames from 'classnames';
const Button = ({theme}) => (
<button className={classnames('button', {[`button_theme_${theme}`: true]})} />
Or use classnames/bind with css-modules. But also you can use Calamari like this:
import Calamari from 'calamari-web';
const Button = Calamari({class: 'button', component: 'button', mods: ['theme']});
More difficult case:
import Calamari from 'calamari-web';
const Button = Calamari({
class: 'button',
component: 'button',
mods: [['theme', 'white'], 'rounded', ['size', 'medium']],
I think that's a good improvement, but calamari can do more things.
For good understanding the main Calamari concepts you shoud know the main agreements of BEM: Block, Element, Modifier, Mixin. I highly recommended to look at quick start of it before we can continue.
- Creating blocks with simple function call.
- Add elements for it.
- Inheritance of components via decoration components by each other.
Create common component
import Calamari from 'calamari-web';
const Button = Calamari({
class: 'button',
component: 'button',
mods: [['theme', 'white'], 'rounded', ['size', 'medium']],
Create component with elements
import Calamari from 'calamari-web';
const ButtonBlock = Calamari({
class: 'button',
component: 'button',
mods: [['theme', 'white'], 'rounded', ['size', 'medium']],
}, {
Text: {component: 'span', mods: [['color']]},
And use it:
const Button = ({text, children,}) => (
<ButtonBlock {} >
<ButtonBlock.Text {...text} >{children}</ButtonBlock.Text>
render() {
return (
<Button theme="black" rounded text={{color: 'black'}}>
Hello world button
It will return to us smth like this
<button className="button button_theme_black button_rounded button_size_medium">
<span className="button__text button__text_color_black">Hello world button</span>
Inherit uniq button from project button
const LoginButton = Calamari({class: 'login-button', component: Button});
render() {
return <LoginButton color="black" />
It will return to us smth like this:
<button className="login-button button button_size_medium" />
So you can style common button and restyle it in LoginPage css via login-button selector.
Detail docs will appear soon...
- Calamari Web - For use calamari in web apps.
- Calamari Native - For use calamari in react-native apps with ReactNative.StyleSheet.
Calamari is under active development, if you have any idea to improve or if you found a bug, you can create an issue.
- Write full docs for Calamari, Calamari Web and Calamari Native.
- Fix the text documentation
- Css modules adapter