Advanced slideshow
Caipi Slideshow
Advanced & powerfull carousel with touch, inertia, predictable inertia targets, responsiveness, etc
Minimal drafty demo here
What's more ?
- Pure JS; No jquery
- React JS builds
- No deps packages
- Various & extensible positioning function
- ...
Config overview
config = {
defaultType: 'html',
* @cfg {Boolean} Infinite scroll mode
infiniteMode: true,
baseZIndex: 50,
* @cfg {Int} Visible items
visibleItems: 5,
* @cfg {Float} Width of an item at z=0
hSlotWidth: .45,//%
* @cfg {Int} Min width of an item
hMinSlotWidth_px: 0,
* @cfg {Int} Max width of an item
hMaxSlotWidth_px: Infinity,
* @cfg {Float} Height of an item at z=0
hSlotHeight: 1,//%
* @cfg {Int} Min height of an item
hMinSlotHeight_px: 0,
* @cfg {Int} Max height of an item
hMaxSlotHeight_px: Infinity,
* @cfg {Int} Max height of an item
vSlotWidth : 1,//%
vMinSlotWidth_px: 0,
vMaxSlotWidth_px: Infinity,
vSlotHeight : .33,//%
vMinSlotHeight_px: 0,
vMaxSlotHeight_px: Infinity,
* @cfg {Float} Item ratio size (0-1)
forceSlotRatio: false,
* @cfg {Bool} Do listen mouse wheel event
listenMouseWheel: true,
* @cfg {Bool} Do listen mouse wheel event on bounds
ignoreScrollOnLoop: false,
allowDragging: true,
fastJump: false,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
* @cfg {Bool} Do use predictive momentum (knowing which item is targeted by an inertia
predictiveMomentum : false,
predictiveMomentum_close : 'easeOutQuint',
predictiveMomentum_far : 'easeOutQuint',
predictiveMomentum_TmR : 1,
predictiveMomentum_accel : .1,
predictiveMomentum_maxMomentumJump: Infinity,
gotoEasingFn : 'easeOutCubic',
gotoEasingTm : 500,
gotoMaxEasingTm : 1000,
magnetPower : .35,
showArrows : true,
showIndex : true,
autoScroll : false,
autoScrollTM : 2200,
autoScrollPeriod: 12000,
stopDragEvents: true,
pairEventsToFn: false,
* can be auto
direction : 'horizontal',
directionLock : true,
positioningMethod : 'scaleT3dMethod',
no3d_positioningMethod: 'scaleMethod',
ie_positioningMethod : 'zoomMethod',
hPositioningFn : 'hCentralZoom2',
vPositioningFn : 'vCircle3d',
preload : 'full'
- doc, comment & clean
- amazing anim examples
- ...
License ?
MIT license