Caipi cli
Caipi CLI v1.0.0
Caipi is an isomorphic, extensible JS stack, SPA & CMS. See Caipi
CLI for what ?
Caipi CLI 1.0.0
Usage: caipi [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
start|go [mode] Compile & start the project local / targeted project in (dev|staging|prod) [mode]
create [project_name] [domain] [target_dir] Initialise a new project
build [mode] build [staging|prod]
server [action] [mode] [start|stop|restart] [dev|staging|prod]
service [action] [install|start|stop|restart|register|unregister] Control the Caipi multiproject server
launch [mode] [dev|staging|prod] Launch the project on the Caipi service
hosts [=list|add|remove] [=local|prod] Install / remove or list this project's domains in etc/host
stubs [etty] Save/sync stubs to the db
dump exec mongodump on the project db
restore exec mongorestore on the project db
test Launch the available project tests (todo)
upgrade Upgrade caipi
infos Show project infos
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
License ?
Caipi is dual licenced. So it can be used :
- With the CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 license, Caipi is free to be used as long as your project is non commercial,
- With a commercial license, that allows removing of the "Powered by Caipi" mentions, to keep's private your source code, and disable Anonymous stats.
- With commercial license & support
Contributors ?
Become a sponsor!