Best, faster, ligther, all-in-one, fully-typed cache library for JS, based on cachetools from python, with events, pooling and decorators.
Best, faster, ligther, all-in-one, fully-typed cache library for JS, based on cachetools from python, with events, pooling and decorators.
All of most used cache types are included here, if what you are looking for does not exist here, tell us.
With NPM
npm install cachetools-js
With Yarn
yarn add cachetools-js
How to Use
How to do operations in caches
Create a cache instance
//example cache
import { TTLCache } from 'cachetools-js'
const cache = new TTLCache({ttl: 1000})
Store a key in cache
cache['foo'] = 'bar' //recommended method
cache.set('foo', 'bar', {ttl: 500}) //second method, use this method if you wanna pass custom options
Get a key from cache
let key = cache['foo'] //recommended method
let key = cache.get('foo') //second method
Del a key from cache
Take a key from cache - Get and Delete
let key = cache.take('foo')
cache['foo'] //will be undefined
Delete all keys
Get all keys
let keys = cache.keys()
Get all values
let values = cache.values()
Get cache length
let length = cache.length()
Get event
cache.on('get', key => console.log(key))
Set event
cache.on('set', ({key, value}) => console.log(key, value))
Del event
cache.on('del', key => console.log(key))
Expire event
Trigged when key expires, by a TTL, LRU, LFU...
cache.on('expired', key => console.log(key))
Pooling Caches
You can store all your caches in one variable, recommended in big projects to organize code
Create new pool
import { CachePool } from 'cachetools-js'
const pool = new CachePool({maxsize: 10})
Create a cache in pool
//create a new TTLCache in pool, this function return the new cache
pool.createCache('c1', 'ttl', {ttl: 10})
Get a cache in pool
const cache = pool.getCache('c1')
Del a cache in pool
Del all caches in pool
Set a key in some cache in pool
pool.createCache('c1', 'ttl', {ttl: 10})
pool.set('c1', 'key', 'value')
Get a key in some cache in pool
pool.createCache('c1', 'ttl', {ttl: 10})
const cache = pool.get('c1', 'key')
Del a key in some cache in pool
pool.createCache('c1', 'ttl', {ttl: 10})
pool.del('c1', 'key')
Del all keys in some cache in pool
pool.createCache('c1', 'ttl', {ttl: 10})
Get the length of pool
pool.createCache('c1', 'ttl', {ttl: 10})
const length = pool.length()
You can decore a function to apply caching if you use same args
How to Use
import { cacheDecorator, TTLCache } from 'cachetools-js'
//function to sum values
const fn = (...args: number[]) => args.reduce((p, c) => p + c)
const cache = new TTLCache({ttl: 1000})
const decoredFn = cacheDecorator(fn, cache)
//will store result in cache and return
await decoredFn(1, 2, 3)
//will return cached value -- second call
await decoredFn(1, 2, 3)
//if you change args, the process will repeat