add the cacheable ability to custom-factory.
add the cacheable items ability to CustomFactory.
- CacheFactory
(secondary-cache): the cache object to hold the instance.constructor(aName, aOptions)
: get a singleton instance or create a new instance item.- aName: the item name. first search the aName in registeredObjects. then search in the cache. the cached item name should be a full path or a related path.
: get a singleton instance or create a new instance item.- aOptions (object):
- name: the factory item name. defaults to the constructor name
- the cache settings:
- fixedCapacity: the first fixed cache max capacity size, defaults to unlimit.
- capacity: the second LRU cache max capacity size, defaults to unlimit. deletes the least-recently-used items if reached the capacity. capacity > 0 to enable the secondary LRU cache. defaults to 8192.
- expires: the default expires time (milliscond), defaults to no expires time(<=0). it will be put into LRU Cache if has expires time
- cleanInterval: clean up expired item with a specified interval(seconds) in the background. Disable clean in the background if it's value is less than or equal 0.
- cached:
- (string): used as the cached name
- (boolean): create a new instance always if it's false.
- (object):
- name (string): used as cached name if exists.
- popped (boolean): whether popup from cache. default to false.
- the cache settings(only available if the item is not exists on cache):
- fixed (bool): set to first level fixed cache if true, defaults to false.
- expires (int): expires time millisecond. defaults to never expired.
- aOptions (object):
get(aName, aOptions)
: get the singleton object instance(could be from cache)- aOptions: (object)
- cached:
- (string): used as the cached name
- (boolean): create a new instance always if it's false.
- (object):
- name (string): used as cached name if exists.
- the cache settings(only available if the item is not exists on cache):
- fixed (bool): set to first level fixed cache if true, defaults to false.
- expires (int): expires time millisecond. defaults to never expired.
- cached:
- aOptions: (object)
Class usage:
cachedFactory = require 'cache-factory'
class Codec
cachedFactory Codec
constructor: (aName, aOptions)->return super
initialize: (aOptions)->
@bufferSize = aOptions.bufSize if aOptions
Ability usage:
factory = require 'custom-factory'
cacheable = require 'cache-factory'
class Codec
factory Codec
# add the cacheable ability to Codec factory.
cacheable Codec
# get the JsonCodec Class
# note: name is case-sensitive!
TextCodec = Codec['Text']
JsonCodec = Codec['Json']
# or
JsonCodec = TextCodec['Json']
# get the global JsonCodec instance from the Codec
json = Codec('Json', bufSize: 12)
# or:
json = JsonCodec()
text = Codec('Text') # or Codec('utf8')
JsonCodec() Codec('Json')
# create a new JsonCodec instance.
json2 = new JsonCodec(bufSize: 123) json
## get the instance from cache:
json3 = JsonCodec(bufSize:123, cached: "MyJson")
json4 = JsonCodec(bufSize:123, cached: {name: "MyJson"}) json4
json5 = JsonCodec(bufSize:123, cached: true) json2
json6 = Codec('/Codec/Json/MyJson') json3
json7 = JsonCodec 'MyJson' json3