This package serves as both a typed API wrapper and documentation for the otherwise undocumented Brood War Remastered API.
This package serves as both a typed API wrapper and documentation for the otherwise undocumented Brood War Remastered API.
When logged in to Starcraft: Remastered, StarCraft.exe creates a local web server that exposes these endpoints. These endpoints are used when exploring the ladder, viewing profiles, etc.
Below is a table of the known, supported endpoints and the corresponding methods exposed on the SCApi
| Endpoint | SCApi
method | Notes |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| /v1/aurora-profile-by-toon/{toon}/{gateway}
| auroraProfileByToon(toon, gateway)
| Deprecated, useless now |
| /v1/file-set/
| classicFilesGlobalMaps1v1()
| List of ladder maps by season |
| /v1/gateway
| gateway()
| Gateways, ids, online player counts |
| /v1/leaderboard/{ladder}?offset={offset}&length={length}
| leaderboardEntity(ladder, offset, length)
| Paginated player rankings |
| /v1/leaderboard-name-search/{ladder}/{toon}
| leaderboardNameSearch(toon)
| Name search of ranked players |
| /v1/leaderboard-rank-by-toon/{ladder}/{toon}/{gateway}
| leaderboardRankByToon(ladder, toon, gateway)
| Ranked data for a given profile |
| /v1/leaderboard
| leaderboard()
| List of all leaderboards |
| /v1/map-stats-by-toon/{toon}/{gateway}
| mapStatsByToon(toon, gateway)
| Win rate by map and season |
| /v1/matchmaker-gameinfo-playerinfo/{matchId}
| matchMakerGameInfoPlayerInfo(matchId)
| Ranked match info and link to replay |
| /v2/aurora-profile-by-toon/{toon}/{gateway}?request_flags=scr_mmgameloading
| auroraProfileByToonv2(toon, gateway, 'scr_mmgameloading')
| Minimal acct info |
| /v2/aurora-profile-by-toon/{toon}/{gateway}?request_flags=scr_mmtooninfo
| auroraProfileByToonv2(toon, gateway, 'scr_mmtooninfo')
| Minimal acct info + recent game played count |
| /v2/aurora-profile-by-toon/{toon}/{gateway}?request_flags=scr_profile
| auroraProfileByToonv2(toon, gateway, 'scr_profile')
| Full acct info |
| /v2/aurora-profile-by-toon/{toon}/{gateway}?request_flags=scr_tooninfo
| auroraProfileByToonv2(toon, gateway, 'scr_tooninfo')
| Full acct info minus game history |
npm i --save bw-web-api
import { SCApi, BroodWarConnection } from 'bw-web-api';
const sc = new SCApi(new BroodWarConnection(`localhost:50250`));
const profile = sc.auroraProfileByToon('By.SnOw1', 30);
StarCraft Port
You can determine the port StarCraft opens for the web API via:
(as administrator)
(Get-NetTCPConnection -OwningProcess (Get-Process -Name StarCraft | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id) | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Listen"} | Sort-Object -Property LocalPort | Select-Object -First 1).LocalPort
I've done my best to represent the various response types as Zod typings, which means that if the response doesn't match the expected shape,
the API will throw a ZodError
. Conversely, if no error is thrown, you can be confident that the typings are correct.
Be sure to catch ZodError
s when invoking SCApi
methods, log them, and, if possible, contribute the shape deviation back to this library.
Providing an alternative fetch, passing headers, etc.
The BroodWarConnection
is just as pass-through to fetch
(requires Node 18 or browser fetch, though you can probably inject cross-fetch
pre-18). If you need to pass headers
or use a different fetch, provide your own IBroodWarConnection
imlementation to SCApi
contains the expected shapes for various response types. Unfortunately, the response shape is volatile, so more test data is definitely needed for full coverage. For now,
the tests just ensure that the Zod parsing is successful.