The BrightWork platform provides a complete backend solution for your apps. Our goal is to increase developer productivity and reduce the time it takes for you to build a complete application. Our Javascript SDK accelerates the time it takes to integrate
Getting Started
The BrightWork platform provides a complete backend solution for your apps. Our goal is to increase developer productivity and reduce the time it takes for you to build a complete application.
Our Javascript SDK accelerates the time it takes to integrate your backend API with your Javascript application.
Adding the SDK to your app
bower install --save bw-js-sdk
Connecting to your API
Setting you your app to connect to your backend BrightWork API is quick and easy.
BrightWork.initialize('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_APP_NAME').then(function() {
// BrightWork is now attached to
// so you can query your data or do anything else you need now
// like fetch all albums
bw.models.album.find().then(function(albums) {
All of your models and services are available now via bw.models.MODELNAME and respectively.
Let's assume we are working off the default BW generated manifest for a photo album. This manifest contains two models, album & photo.
Create a new album
bw.models.album.create({ name: "My Photo Album"}).then(function(newAlbum) {
console.log('A new album was created.');
Get an album from the server
bw.models.album.get(1).then(function(existingAlbum) {
console.log('Album with id: 1 is...');
Update an existing album
Assumes that you have have fetched an existing ablum using get and saved to existingAlbum variable. {
console.log('Album saved...');
Delete an existing album
bw.models.album.delete(1).then(function() {
console.log('Album 1 has been deleted');
Search for an album
var query = BrightWork.Query().equalTo('name', 'My Photo Album');
console.log('searching for all albums named "My Photo Album"...');
bw.models.album.find(query).then(function(albums) {
console.log('...results', albums);
Advanced Query
For this example let's assume you have an e-commerce system with Order and LineItem models. You need to find all line items where the amount is above $50 and the item is in a "pending" or "paid" status. You want the results sorted first in decending order by date and then sorted in ascending order by line number.
var query = BrightWork.Query()
.greaterThan('amount', 50)
.oneOf('status', ['pending', 'paid'])
bw.models.lineitem.find(query).then(function(items) {
console.log('items found...', items);
Running the Demo
There is a demo photo app in the ./demo folder. Follow the steps below to get it running and play around.
Deploy your BrightWork demo app backend API Follow the steps in Getting Started to setup and deploy the sample API. Get your API key by running the
bw list
command once you have successfuly deployed.Configure and run the demo web app
- Setup your API credentials (edit ./demo/public/js/main.js)
console.log('initializing SDK...'); BrightWork.initialize('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-APP-NAME').then(function(){ console.log('...SDK initialized'); bw.models.album.find().then(function(albums) { $("#albumContent").append(renderTable({albums: albums})); }); });
- Install dependencies and start the server
cd ./demo npm install && bower install grunt server