BuyBorghiMobileServices - JavaScript client for buy_borghi_mobile_services BuyBorghi Mobile API This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.1.5
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm i @buyborghi/buy_borghi_mobile_services
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var BuyBorghiMobileServices = require('buy_borghi_mobile_services');
var api = new BuyBorghiMobileServices.CompaniesApi()
var townId = "townId_example"; // {String} A unique identifier used to identify the town.
var companyId = "companyId_example"; // {String} A unique identifier used to identify the company.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdCouponsGet(townId, companyId, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- BuyBorghiMobileServices.CompaniesApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdCouponsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId}/coupons | Get coupons made by the company BuyBorghiMobileServices.CompaniesApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdEventsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId}/events | Get events organized by the company BuyBorghiMobileServices.CompaniesApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId} | Get company's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.CompaniesApi | townsTownIdCompaniesGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies | Get companies related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.CouponsApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdCouponsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId}/coupons | Get coupons made by the company BuyBorghiMobileServices.CouponsApi | townsTownIdCouponsCouponIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/coupons/{couponId} | Get coupons's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.CouponsApi | townsTownIdCouponsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/coupons | Get coupons related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.EventsApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdEventsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId}/events | Get events organized by the company BuyBorghiMobileServices.EventsApi | townsTownIdEventsEventIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/events/{eventId} | Get event's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.EventsApi | townsTownIdEventsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/events | Get events related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.InfoApi | helpGet | GET /help | Send general informations, contacts and FAQ BuyBorghiMobileServices.InfoApi | townsTownIdHistoricalInfosGet | GET /towns/{townId}/historicalInfos | Get historical informations about the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.InfoApi | townsTownIdInstitutionalInfosGet | GET /towns/{townId}/institutionalInfos | Get institutional informations about the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.PlacesApi | townsTownIdPlacesGet | GET /towns/{townId}/places | Get places related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.PlacesApi | townsTownIdPlacesPlaceIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/places/{placeId} | Get event's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.PostApi | reportingsPost | POST /reportings | Send abuses and/or reports BuyBorghiMobileServices.PostApi | townsPost | POST /towns/ | Add town Geo-coordinates BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsGet | GET /towns/ | Town list BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsPost | POST /towns/ | Add town Geo-coordinates BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdCouponsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId}/coupons | Get coupons made by the company BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdEventsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId}/events | Get events organized by the company BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdCompaniesCompanyIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies/{companyId} | Get company's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdCompaniesGet | GET /towns/{townId}/companies | Get companies related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdCouponsCouponIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/coupons/{couponId} | Get coupons's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdCouponsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/coupons | Get coupons related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdElementsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/elements | Find elements of any type BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdEventsEventIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/events/{eventId} | Get event's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdEventsGet | GET /towns/{townId}/events | Get events related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdGet | GET /towns/{townId} | Get town's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdPlacesGet | GET /towns/{townId}/places | Get places related to the town BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownsApi | townsTownIdPlacesPlaceIdGet | GET /towns/{townId}/places/{placeId} | Get event's details BuyBorghiMobileServices.WelcomeApi | welcomeGet | GET /welcome/ | Check if user is phisically in town
Documentation for Models
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Company
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.CompanyList
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Coordinates
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Coupon
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.CouponList
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Element
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.ElementList
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Error
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.ErrorType
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Event
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.EventList
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsCompaniesIdCouponsResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsCompaniesIdEventsResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsCompaniesIdResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdCompaniesResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdCouponsIdResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdCouponsResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdElementsResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdEventsIdResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdEventsResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdHistoricalInfosResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdInstitutionalInfosResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdPlacesIdResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdPlacesResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsIdResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetTownsResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.GetWelcomeResponse
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.HistoricalInfos
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.InstitutionalInfos
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Place
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.PlaceList
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Polygon
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.PostReportRequest
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.PostTownsRequest
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Tag
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.TagList
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.Town
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownId
- BuyBorghiMobileServices.TownList
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- admin: Grants access to admin operations
- read: Grants read access
- write: Grants write access