A minimal button for use in VR. Triggered just by looking at it.
A minimal button for use in VR.
Triggered just by looking at it.
It uses 3D objects as buttons.
You can download the project and view the examples.
git clone https://github.com/Sean-Bradley/ButtonVR.git
cd ButtonVR
npm install
npm run dev
How to import ButtonVR
npm install buttonvr
In your code, import it
import ButtonVR from 'buttonvr'
Instantiate And Use
Pass in an existing THREE.Scene, THREE.Camera and optional milliseconds duration to look at the button until it fires the pressed event. (Default 1000 milliseconds)
const buttonVR = new ButtonVR(scene, camera)
const buttonVR = new ButtonVR(scene, camera, 500) //wait 500 millisecinds to decide if button is pressed. (Default 1000ms)
Create your Object3D, give it a name, add it to scene, and add it to the ButtonVR buttons list.
const box = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0xff0066,
wireframe: true,
box.name = 'box'
box.position.set(-2, 0.5, -4)
Update ButtonVR in your render loop just before rendering your scene.
renderer.render(scene, camera)
ButtonVR Events
When you look at an object, the pressedStart start event fires, and the countdown begins.
buttonVR.addEventListener('pressedStart', (intersection: THREE.Intersection) => {
After the countdown duration (default 1 second), the pressed event fires. The countdown timer continues to increase only if you continue to look at the object.
buttonVR.addEventListener('pressed', (intersection: THREE.Intersection) => {
When you stop looking at an object, the pressedEnd event fires.
buttonVR.addEventListener('pressedEnd', () => {
Example 1
Basic ButtonVR demo.
Example 2
Basic ButtonVR demo 2.
ButtonVR Source Project
This is a TypeScript project consisting of two sub projects with there own tsconfigs.
To edit this example, then modify the files in ./src/client/
or ./src/server/
The projects will auto recompile if you started it by using npm run dev
Threejs TypeScript Course
Visit https://github.com/Sean-Bradley/Three.js-TypeScript-Boilerplate for a Threejs TypeScript boilerplate containing many extra branches that demonstrate many examples of Threejs.
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