App for generating business trips. Accepts between 16 and 61 data input fields, depending on the number of sections.
Business Trip Generator
App for generating business trips. Accepts between 16 and 61 data input fields, depending on the number of sections.
Inputs limits
- Company name -> type: string, required
- Order number -> type: number, between 0 and 61
- Order date -> type: date, required
- Employee name -> type: string, cannot be more than 64 characters
- Seconded Until -> type: string, cannot more than 36 characters
- Returning -> type: string, cannot be more than 36 characters
- Start date -> type: date, required
- End date -> type: date, required
- Task -> type: string, cannot be more than 256 characters
- Money -> type: number, required
- Car -> type: string, cannot be more than 64 characters
Invoice sections -> between 1 and 10 sections, Accepts 6 inputs.
- Company name -> type: string, cannot be more than 64 characters
- Unique identifier -> type: string, 11 characters
- Invoice number -> type: number, 10 characters
- Invoice date -> type: date, required
- Price -> type: double, required
- Attachment files -> type: file(png, pdf, jpg), required
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint