Automate client-side unit testing in real browsers using the cli
Automate client-side unit testing in real browsers using the CLI
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install -g bunyip
. This is a CLI tool so it needs to be globally installed.
BrowserStack account
In order for bunyip to flex its real muscle I recommend you get a paid [BrowserStack account])(http://www.browserstack.com/pricing) as all paid accounts have access to their API. Without the API you'll need to connect your own slave browsers to bunyip.
localhost sharing service
If you wish to test on devices that are not part of your local network you'll be required to setup a tunneling service. I recommend pagekite as it gives you a nice free chunk of data and allows you to specify a reusable subdomain. Showoff.io is another good option.
Setup the config.js file
If you don't wish to use BrowserStack or a localhost sharing service you can skip this step. If you look inside the lib folder you'll see a config-template.js
file, copy it and rename to config.js. Edit the values to whatever you need it to be.
var config = config || {};
config.browserstack = {
username: "foo", // Your BrowserStack username
password: "bar", // Your BrowserStack password
version: 2
// The tunneling service I use is https://pagekite.net/support/quickstart/
// You can easily use another service lke showoff.io only requirement is that you can specify a fixed url name
config.port = " 9000 ";
config.tunnellink = "bunyip.pagekite.me/"; // The subdomain that the tunnel can be access by
// This is the command that nodejs will execute using child_process.exec
// If you were using showoff.io the below command would be "show" + config.port
config.tunnel = "pagekite.py" + config.port + config.tunnellink;
module.exports = config;
(Can this be done in an easier fashion? Do a pull request!)
Test suite adaptors
Behind the scenes bunyip uses a tool called Yeti unfortunately Yeti only works with YUI Test. However I have written some adaptors for QUnit and jasmine, go check out my other repo for examples on using them with your current test suites.
If you use another client-side testsuite please feel free to contribute it to my yeti-adaptors repo.
bunyip -f index.html
The above command will launch a simple Yeti hub on port 9000 and use the index.html
inside your current working directory.
bunyip -f index.html -p 1337
This will change the port that is used. The global config value will be updated for you so don't worry.
BrowserStack workers
bunyip -f index.html -b ios
Assuming you have a BrowserStack paid account and have setup a localhost sharing service the -b ios
will send off a command to launch all iOS devices (3 iPhones and 3 iPads) on BrowserStack and once they're connected you can run your test suite.
bunyip -s
This will query the BrowserStack API for any device or browsers that are currently running on your account.
bunyip -k <id> or all
If you no longer need a specific worker or you wish to destroy all of them you can either specify a single worker id or all
and it will destroy said worker(s).
bunyip -h
For more info specify the help flag to get more info about each command flag available.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Release History
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2012 Ryan Seddon
Licensed under the MIT license.