Run custom scripts before and after executing a command.
Buno lets you run custom scripts before and after executing a command.
This is particularly useful for displaying notifications when your build starts, succeeds or fails. These scripts can be .gitignored so that each developer in the team gets to setup his/her notifications the way he/she likes.
npm install buno
- Create a
mkdir .buno
cd .buno
- Create your pre/post/error scripts:
echo 'echo Building...' > pre && chmod u+x pre
echo 'echo Build finished.' > post && chmod u+x post
echo 'echo Build error!' > error && chmod u+x error
- Prefix your command with buno:
buno <command> [args]
How it Works
- buno executes the pre script before running the command if it finds one at
. - buno executes the command.
- If the command exits with a status code of zero, it executes the post script if it finds one at
. - If the command exits with a status code of non-zero, it executes the error script if it finds one at
. - Command's status code is returned as buno's status code.
Note: You can also put your scripts globally in the ~/.buno
The following sample uses macOS's built-in say command, AnyBar and node-notifier to demonstrate how to use buno:
# .buno/pre
say 'building'
echo -n 'orange' | nc -4u -w0 localhost 1738
notify -t 'My Awesome App' -m 'Building'
# .buno/post
say 'done'
echo -n 'green' | nc -4u -w0 localhost 1738
notify -t 'My Awesome App' -m 'Build finished.'
# .buno/error
say 'you suck at coding. ha ha!'
echo -n 'red' | nc -4u -w0 localhost 1738
notify -t 'My Awesome App' -m 'Build error!'
buno webpack ./entry.js bundle.js
Version History
- 1.0
- Initial release.
Soheil Rashidi
- http://soheilrashidi.com
- http://twitter.com/soheilpro
- http://github.com/soheilpro
Copyright and License
Copyright 2016 Soheil Rashidi
Licensed under the The MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.