Bumblebee UI
Welcome to Bumble Bee UI ✨
'bumblebee-ui' is a reusable component library that is designed and engineered to help developers build better product faster.
| Packages | Description | Required package |
|---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |------------------|
| AlertModal | 'AlertModal' can be used to add a dialog box / popup window for confirmation. | reactstrap |
| Asterisk | 'Asterisk' can be used to add an asterisk icon. | |
| BreadCrumbs | 'BreadCrumbs' can be used to indicate the the page’s location within a navigational hierarchy. | |
| BreadCrumbsAdmin | 'BreadCrumbsAdmin' can be used to indicate the the page’s location within a navigational hierarchy for the Admin portal. | |
| Can | 'Can' can be used to render a by user permissions. | |
| CollapsibleText | 'CollapsibleText' can be used to add a collapsible text. | reactstrap |
| CollapsibleTitle | 'CollapsibleTitle' can be used to add a collapsible title. | reactstrap |
| ContentModal | 'ContentModal' can be used to add a dialog box / popup window to inform the user. | reactstrap |
| ContentWrapper | 'ContentWrapper' can be used to wrap your component with a header and description. | |
| DeleteModal | 'DeleteModal' can be used to add a dialog box / popup window for deletion. | reactstrap |
| Field | 'Field' can be used to display the view version of the form data. | |
| FieldError | 'FieldError' can be used to show the error message below the form with Formik. | Formik |
| FilterButton | 'FilterButton' can be used to display the filter on the Carpentr table. | Carpentr |
| FilterModal | 'FilterModal' can be used to display the filter on the Carpentr table. | Carpentr |
| FilterRow | 'FilterRow' can be used to display the filter on the Carpentr table. | Carpentr |
| Footer | 'Footer' can be used to display the footer contents. | |
| FooterAdmin | 'FooterAdmin' can be used to display the footer on the Admin Portal. | |
| FormError | 'FormError' can be used to show the error message below the form with Formik. | Formik |
| LandingApplicationProcess | 'LandingApplicationProcess' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingHeroCarousel | 'LandingHeroCarousel' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingHeroStatic | 'LandingHeroStatic' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingHeroVideo | 'LandingHeroVideo' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingInfoBlocks | 'LandingInfoBlocks' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingInfoWithPhoto | 'LandingInfoWithPhoto' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingOverview | 'LandingOverview' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingRequirements | 'LandingRequirements' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingScreeningCTA | 'LandingScreeningCTA' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingVideos | 'LandingVideos' can be used to display a landing page with other landing components. | |
| LandingTotallyCustom | 'LandingTotallyCustom' can be used to display a landing page with the custom props. | |
| Loading | 'Loading' can be used to show the loading state in your app. It includes spinner SVG. | |
| NotFoundPage | 'NotFoundPage' can be used when the page is not found. It takes 'Link' component as a child. | react-router-dom |
| PageWrapper | 'PageWrapper' can be used to wrap your component. | |
| Pagination | 'Pagination' can be used to indicate a series of related content exists across multiple pages. | Carpentr |
| PasswordRequirements| 'PasswordRequirements' can be used to check whether the passwords meet a series of guidelines for a strong password or not. | Formik |
| ResultSet | 'ResultSet' can be used to allow the user to choose how many rows will be seen on the table. | Carpentr |
| ReportCard | 'ReportCard' can be used to display a section in the reports dashboard. | reactstrap |
| Section | 'Section' can be used to display a collapsible section. | reactstrap |
| SectionAppConfig | 'SectionAppConfig' can be used to display a collapsible section on the Admin app config. | reactstrap |
| ScrollToTopButton | 'ScrollToTopButton' can be used to scroll to the top of the page. | |
| SortArrow | 'SortArrow' can be used to show a small sort arrow in a table header with Carpentr. | Carpentr |
| TableSearch | 'TableSearch' can be used to help a user to find a specific column in the table. | |
| TableWrapper | 'TableWrapper' can be used to wrap your table. | |
| ToolTip | 'ToolTip' can be used to display small contents on hover. | reactstrap |
| VideoThumbnail | 'VideoThumbnail' can be used to display the thumbnail photo. | |
Storybook 🎨
Storybook is used to showcase components interactively in an isolated development environment.
Storybook has a collection of stories and each story represents a single visual state of a component.
To start Storybook,
npm run storybook
OR yarn run storybook
dist/ (generated bundle with rollup)
├── index.min.js
src/ (components folder)
├── index.js
├── my-components
| └── index.js
├── my-other-components
| └── index.js
├── stories/ (stories for each component)
| ├── 0-welcome.stories.js
| └── 1-loading.stories.js
storybook-static/ (autogenerated static version of storybook)
├──__snapshots__/ (autogenerated jest snapshots)
└──Loading.test.js (jest tests for each component)
Getting the components into your app
npm install bumblebee-ui
or yarn add bumblebee-ui
Package Versioning
You SHOULD update package version in package.json
after any change in src
You can use npm version
command. For example npm version patch
or npm version patch -m 'Added NavBar'
Use one of the following versioning.
: incompatible API changes (2.0.0)minor
: add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner (Example version 1.1.0)patch
: backwards-compatible bug fixes (Example version 1.0.1)
After updating the version number, make sure npm run build
& npm publish
🔸 Steps to create a new component
- Create the component under the
- Add a new Story under the storybook folder
- Check the storybook with
yarn storybook
and see if the component looks good in the storybook on the localhost:4000 - Write a test and run
yarn test
to create a new snapshot - Build the new module with
yarn build
- Bump up the version in package.json
- Create a new storybook static version with
yarn build-storybook
- Make a PR to master
🔹 Steps to update an existing component
- Update the component
- Check the storybook with
yarn storybook
and see if the component looks good in the storybook on the localhost:4000. (If you make an update to the props, you will need to make the same change inside of its story file.) - Run the test
yarn test
and fix it withyarn test -- -u
- Build the new module with
yarn build
- Bump up the version in package.json
- Create a new storybook static version with
yarn build-storybook
- Make a PR to master
To add a new component to 'bumblebee-ui'
- Create folder within
- Add relevant code
- Add test within
To add a test to 'bumblebee-ui'
- Write a test and run
npm test
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'
it('<Loading /> renders correctly.', () => {
const tree = renderer
.create(<Loading main={true} />)
//In your terminal, you can see this message that 1 snapshot added.
1 snapshot written from 1 test suite.
- In the
folder, you can see the autogenerated snapshot by jest. - If you want to update your snapshot, run
npm test -- -u
(if you update the component, run npm test -- -u
to update the snapshot.)
To add a story for your new component
- Create
- Import your new component into the story and render
- Follow the Storybook 6.0 API to render your component with Docs, Controls. Writing Stories with MDX
<!--- Checkbox.stories.mdx -->
import { Meta, Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
import { Checkbox } from './Checkbox';
<Meta title="Components/Checkbox" component={Checkbox} />
# Checkbox
With `MDX` we can define a story for `Checkbox` right in the middle of our
Markdown documentation.
<!--- This is your Story template function, shown here in React -->
export const Template = (args) => <Checkbox {...args} />
<Story name="Unchecked" args={{
label: 'Unchecked'
<Story name="Checked" args={{
label: 'Unchecked',
checked: true
<Story name="Secondary" args={{
label: 'Secondary',
checked: true,
appearance: 'secondary'
## Props
<ArgsTable of={Checkbox} />