Translates data into a visually pleasing graph using Bulma, but without dependence on Bulma.
Like it? Have a look at Bulma Framebox.
A dynamic fixed box to display news/hints/ads in a Bulma CSS fashion.
By default the box is at the bottom-right corner of the website. It will stop cycling if you hover/touch over the element, or disable it in the settings. Github Preview
Why Do I Need It?
To display your statistics.
Since the custom.sass/custom.css is built upon the Bulma CSS Framework, it is recommended to use this as your base. However if you want to write your own CSS, go ahead. The Javascript should keep working, if you keep the necessary ids/classes and HTML structure.
Going Vanilla JS, no JQuery needed! Lightweight and totally free of any JS frameworks.
Javascript version: ES6. (rewriting it for crossbrowser compatibility is simple.)
Normal Setup
The recommended structure is the following:
<div class="graphs-container" data-title="Horizontal Graph">
<div class="data-container column is-full columns is-mobile is-size-7 has-text-white is-marginless">
<div data-title="One" data-value="10"></div>
<div data-title="Two" data-value="50"></div>
<div data-title="Three" data-value="100"></div>
IMPORTANT data-container classes: is-vertical-graph
for vertical, columns
for horizontal.
via npm
npm install bulma-graphs
Currently you can tweak the JS settings directly within the graphs.js
These are the default values.
let graphs = { // initialize object with settings
settings: {
animation: true, // true | false
autoGenerate: true, // true | false
containerItemSelector: '.graphs-container .data-container div',
containerSelector: '.graphs-container',
errorMessages: true, // true | false
heightMultiplicator: 3, // scales in pixel
widthMultiplicator: 1, // scales in % (percentage)
Minimal Structure
This is the minimal structure needed to keep the script running how it was supposed to:
<div class="graphs-container" data-title="">
<div class="data-container is-vertical-graph is-multiline">
<div data-title="" data-value="10"></div>
<div data-title="" data-value="50"></div>
<div data-title="" data-value="100"></div>
IMPORTANT data-container classes: is-vertical-graph
for vertical, columns
for horizontal.
's: Are used to generate the titles. They are not required.
Make as many of these as you want on your page.
I think we are done here.