A package to push (yes, only push) things using Push Bullets API
This is a small side project I decided to make for fun! :)
Where to get the PushBullet details needed for this package
You can get the all the idens and the access token from the main website of PushBullet.
The access token:
To get an access token, create a PushBullet account. When logged into your account, head over the the settings and click on "account". Scroll a bit down and you should see a gray button with the text "Create access token". Click on this button and copy the token to use in this package.
To get idens for devices:
When logged into your PushBullet account, head over to devices. You should see a list of all your connected devices. Click on one of the devices and copy the the string of characters after "/#devices/". This is your device iden.
alternatively you could use:
This will console log the requested data. The options for this function are:
- channels
- chats
- contacts
- devices
- grants
- pushes
- subscriptions
How does it work
This package is very very VERY simple to understand, so don't worry :)
To import this package, simply use:
const pb = require('bulletjspusher');
The 2 functions this package has are very simple to use. If you simply want to push a note to a device, channel or clinet, use the following code:
pb.PushBullet('ACCESS TOKEN');
'note', // This is the type of push
'Hello World Again!', // This is the body of the message
'Hello World!', // This is the title of the message
'device_iden', // Here you decide where you want to push the message. Other options are "channel_tag" and "client_iden"
'DEVICE IDEN' // Or off course use the channel tag if you filled in "channel_tag" before or the client iden if you filled in "client_iden" before
If you want to push a link or file you should use this instead:
// For pushing a link
'link', // The type of push
'Hello World Again!', // The body of the message
'Hello World!', // The title of the message
'device_iden', // Or "channel_tag", "client_iden"
'URL' // The url you want to send with the push
// For pushing a file
'file', // The type of push
'Hello World Again!', // The body of the message
'Hello World!', // The title of the message
'device_iden', // Or "channel_tag", "client_iden"
'URL', // The url to the file (file must be uploaded to something like mediafire for example)
'file name', // Put in the name of the file
'file type', // The MIME type of the file
This is all you have to do to push messages via pushbullet!
The explaination to all parameters are also added into vscode via @param.
When bugs or issues occur
You can report these to me via githubs issue tab.
I can't promise that I will get rid of the bugs and issues people may find, because I am still a student and I don't have much time because of school. (Sorry in advance)