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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner









let BulldozerC = require('bulldozer-c');
let httpclient = require('http-clientp');
let bc = new BulldozerC();
//global.http_proxy = {'host': '', 'port': 8888}; //local proxy set
let crawl = bc.newSingletonCrawl();

let handlerContext = bc.httpUtils.buildHttpcontext('GET', {
    'next': '1718',
    'url': ''
handlerContext.mainProgram = crawl;

crawl.on('1718', function (prehandlerContext) {
    let body = prehandlerContext.response.body;
    let $ = bc.$(body);
    let trs = $('#data-view > tbody > tr');
    let postdata = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
        let tr = $(trs[i]);
        let tds = tr.find('td');
        let Ranking = $(tds[0]).text();
        let PName = $(tds[1]).text();
        let CName = $(tds[2]).text();
        let HeadPro = $(tds[3]).text();
        let HeadCity = $(tds[4]).text();
        let Total = $(tds[5]).text();
        let result = {
            'Ranking': Ranking,
            'PName': PName,
            'CName': CName,
            'HeadPro': HeadPro,
            'HeadCity': HeadCity,
            'Total': Total,
    let collection = {
        'name': 'table_name',
        'data': postdata
    //;//save to mongodb
    //bc.dbClient.mysql_save(collection);//save to mysql
    /*'http://services/save', function (err, body, res, httpcontext) {
            if (err) {
                 console.error('save fail');
             } else {
                 console.error('save succ');
         }, {
             'request': {
                 'postdata': collection,
                 'headers': {
                     'content-type': 'application/json'


  1. 分布式爬虫系统,需要和bulldozer(服务端)组合使用
  2. 支持抓取、解析、存储、任务初始化、任务调度、任务监控告警等
  3. bulldozer(服务端)主要用到redis、mysql、mongodb,其中redis为必须;
    1. redis存储request模板、主要包含:请求地址及参数、解析此request的方法函数事件、附带的数据信息等
    2. mysql、mongodb主要存储解析后的数据,其中mysql通过将json对象转换成sql语句实现通用的insert、update、delete、select操作;
  4. 此系统涉及到的主要包或者服务: bulldozer(服务端)httpclientpjsontosql2
  5. 此系统可以配合pm2-agent进行指标的采集,实现监控告警
  6. 爬虫脚本可以通过 pm2 start crawl.js(脚本) --log-date-format='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'(打印日志时间) -i 2(进程数) 执行,日志会存储在 .pm2/logs/ 下面




  • 下面bc皆为 let bc = new BulldozerC, BulldozerC在同一进程中最好只new一次,new的对象会赋值给全局变量 global.bulldozerc_new。

  • bulldozer-c中通用格式爬取请求模板
     "md5": "请求信息的md5,由path+method+postdata等组成,具体请看http_utils.buildHttpcontext",
     "request": {
         "postdata": "如果是post请求,请填写postbody参数,支持字符串和json格式;如果是get请求,可以为null",
         "options": {
             "method": "POST-请求方式",
             "path": "请求地址,如:"
         "timeout": 超时时间ms,不填默认没有
     "response": {},
     "data": {
         "next": "处理此次请求的方法名称,系统会通过事件去触发此方法执行",
         "url": "请求地址,如:",
         "属性1": "next方法需要用到的属性",
         "属性2": "next方法需要用到的属性",
         "属性n": "next方法需要用到的属性"
 此模板可以通过 bc.httpUtils.buildHttpcontext方法获构建,如:
 let httpcontext = bc.httpUtils.buildHttpcontext('post', {
     'next': 'textfunction',
     'url': '',
     'prototype1': 'next方法需要用到的属性',
     'prototype2': 'next方法需要用到的属性',
     'prototypen': 'next方法需要用到的属性'
 }, 'a=1&b=2', 2000, null, 'gbk');
  • bulldozer-c中通用格式爬取请求返回结果模板
  let httpcontext = {
      "md5": "请求信息的md5,由path+method+postdata等组成,具体请看http_utils.buildHttpcontext",
      "request": {
          "postdata": "如果是post请求,请填写postbody参数,支持字符串和json格式;如果是get请求,可以为null",
          "options": {
              "method": "POST-请求方式",
              "path": "请求地址,如:"
          "timeout": 超时时间ms,不填默认没有
      "response": {
        'statusCode': 请求返回的状态码,
      "res": 请求返回的完整res对象
      "data": {
          "next": "处理此次请求的方法名称,系统会通过事件去触发此方法执行",
          "url": "请求地址,如:",
          "属性1": "next方法需要用到的属性",
          "属性2": "next方法需要用到的属性",
          "属性n": "next方法需要用到的属性"
  此模板可以通过 bc.httpUtils.buildHttpcontext方法获构建
  • 和服务端bulldozer进行交互. mysql操作具体可以参考jsontosql2
和服务端进行交互的数据格式为: let collection = {'name':'queueName|tableName', 'data':[{对象内容}], 'duplicate':['mysql表字段1','mysql表字段2']};,其中 duplicate为支持 mysql duplicate update 用法。如果是redis或者mongodb则不需要duplicate
1. 将请求模板存储在redis队列中
    (1).bc.dbClient.lpushs({'name':'queueName','data':[httpcontext]}); //支持数组和对象,将请求模板 httpcontext 存储在list队列queueName中
    (2).multilpush 同(1),支持事物
    (3)sadds,支持数组  将请求模板 httpcontext 存储在set对了queueName中
    (4) multisadd,支持数组 同(3),支持事物
    (5) saddDistinct,支持对象,此方法会过滤掉之前抓取过的请求连接,过滤原理:此方法会将请求加入到两个队列中,既:queueName和queueName:distinct。将请求模板 httpcontext 加入到 queueName,将请求模板 httpcontext 的md5加入到queueName:distinct中,加入之前会先加入queueName:distinct中,如果加入成功,在加入queueName中,否则说明已经抓取过了,不在加入
    (6)saddDistincts,同 (5) 支持数组。
    (7)rpop,同redis rpop命令
    (8)lpop,同redis lpop命令
    (9)spop,同redis spop命令
    (10)rpoplpush({'name0':'queueName0', 'name1':'queueName1'}), 同redis rpoplpush 命令,从queueName0取出val,返回并加入到queueName1队列中
    (11)spopsadd({'name0':'queueName0', 'name1':'queueName1'}),,set版本取出再插入,从queueName0取出val,返回并加入到queueName1队列中
    (12)setTaskState('queueName','0000') 优雅的暂停任务,设置为0000最多30s内会暂停任务,设置为不等于0000,最多30s内会恢复
    (13)getTaskState('queueName') 获取任务的状态,当值为0000的时候,任务会暂停;非0000,任务恢复
2. 将解析完成的数据存储到mysql中,假设表已经建好
  (1) 设置了UNIQUE KEY, 用到duplicate update,根据UNIQUE KEY去重
    let collection = {
            'name': 'tableName',                             //表名称
            'data': [{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'UNIQUE_KEY':'1'}],   //数据
            'duplicate': ['a', 'b', 'c']                 //唯一约束冲突后进行更新的字段
  (2) 未设置UNIQUE KEY
    let collection = {
            'name': 'tableName',
            'data': [{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]
  (3) update数据
    let collection = {
           'name': 'tableName',          //表名称
           'data': {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}, //更新的值
           'where': {'UNIQUE_KEY': 1}   //更新条件
  • 任务开始
1. bc.runTask(collection, mainProgram, taskName, intervalTime, operation)
   (1) collection : 队列名称 {'name':'queueName'} (operation=rpop|spop), {'name0':'queueName0', 'name1':'queueName1'} (operation=rpoplpush|spopsadd)
   (2) mainProgram : 爬虫具体脚本对象
   (3) taskName : 爬虫名称
   (4) intervalTime : 爬虫请求时间间隔,单位秒。如 1 表示每1s请求一次
   (5) operation : spop,spopsadd从set中取出爬取请求模板;rpop,rpoplpush从list中取出爬取请求模板
2. bc.testDelayStartRequest(handlerContext, queueName, delay, operation); //单个请求测试入口   
  • 任务重试
1. bc.retry(handlerContext);
  (1) 默认重试3次,重试3次失败后会打印日志,日志包含 retry_fail 或 request_fail_no_retry
  (2) 重试次数可以配置,配置参数 global.request_retry_count
  • 指标信息,指标是用pmx实现的,用pm2启动程序,执行命令pm2 show id可以看到相关指标信息:
   Code metrics value
  │ Loop delay                                                            │ 0.36ms │
  │ Active requests                                                       │ 0      │
  │ Active handles                                                        │ 4      │
  │ bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="total",}      │ 7204   │  //总数
  │ bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="succ",}       │ 7197   │  //成功次数
  │ bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="fail",}       │ 6      │
  │ bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="retry_fail",} │ 3      │ //重试3次失败总数
  │ bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="retry",}      │ 3      │ //重试次数
  │ bulldozer_c_http{type="queueName",statusCode="301",}                  │ 3      │ //http statusCode相关指标
  │ bulldozer_c_http{type="queueName",statusCode="405",}                  │ 2      │
  │ bulldozer_c_http{type="queueName",statusCode="404",}                  │ 1      │
  bc.getCounter(keyName) 可以获得指标名称: 
     1. 如果keyName是字符串,将直接以字符串为指标名称
     2.如果指标为对象,将以key键值为指标名称,如:let retryFailkeyName = {'key': 'bulldozer_c', 'type': queueName, 'next': 'downloadLogo', 'event': 'total'}; 指标为: bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="total",}                     
    # HELP bulldozer_c HELP.
    # TYPE bulldozer_c gauge
    bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="total",nodeName="download_logo",pid="1218094",} 7281
    bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="succ",nodeName="download_logo",pid="1218094",} 7200
    bulldozer_c{type="queueName",next="downloadLogo",event="fail",nodeName="download_logo",pid="1218094",} 81
  • 0.0.43
 1. 增加taskInit函数,用于任务初始化
 2. 增加setTaskInitInterval函数,用于设置任务初始化时间,及任务执行周期
 3. 增加判断是否暂停爬虫任务: 
                        (3)可以通过 bc.setTaskTimeOut(timeOut, restoreTime);设置暂停爬虫时间和恢复爬虫时间
  • 0.0.44
 1. 增加 $ 函数,用于获取html选择器:let $ = bc.$(html);
 2. 增加 parseJson 函数,用于格式化json字符串:let jsonObj = bc.parseJson(jsonstr);
 3. 增加 runTaskQPS 函数,用于根据qps进行设置爬虫速度: bc.runTaskQPS(collection, mainProgram, taskName, QPS, operation)
  • 0.0.45
 1. 启动任务增加打印qps
  • 0.0.46
 1. 增加setProxy(host, port)设置代理函数
 2. 增加默认 newCrawl() 函数,可以直接通过bc.newCrawl()得到默认爬虫函数。新写法例子:
  • 0.0.47
 1. 增加newSingletonCrawl()
  • 0.0.66
 1. 增加setProxy(host, port, username, password), 支持设置代理用户名及密码
  • 0.0.69
 1. parseFailHandler(handlerContext)  解析失败后执行的方法,默认重试
 2. suspend(queue) restart(queue)     暂停和重启手动方法
 3. log(message, handlerContext)      增加日志打印