Given the properties of a bug in bugzilla.mozilla.org, generate an english language readable status message.
Bugzilla Readable Status Messages
Generate readable, english language, status messages from properties of bugs in bugzilla.mozilla.org.
The module exposes a single method, readable,
which can be called in a variety of ways:
- an object whos properties correspond to a bugs properties.
- the id of a bug (to be implemented)
- an array of objects containing bug properties
- an array of bug ids (to be implemented)
Clone repo to local.
npm install; npm test; npm run demo
For browsers
Install browserify
npm install -g browserify
Run the project's bundle script.
npm run bundle
And load the resulting file into your web page.
<script src="bugzilla-readable-status.js"></script>
To build a minified version of the script,
npm run bundle-min
and then include
<script src="bugzilla-readable-status-min.js"></script>
in your project. A corresponding source map is generated as well.
var readable = import('bugzilla-readable-status').readable;
var status = readable({ id: NNNNNN, status: 'NEW', … });
// => 'BUG STATUS'
var statuses = readable([
{ id: NNNNNN, status: 'FIXED' … }.
{ id: MMMMMM, status: 'NEW' … },
// => { "statuses": [
{ "id": NNNNNN, "status": "BUG STATUS" },
{ "id": MMMMMM, "status": "BUG STATUS" },
var emptyArray = readable([]);
// => { "result": [] }
Errors are returned as objects:
{ "error": "ERROR STRING" }
Unable to Parse
If there's an unrecoverable error while trying to parse a bug, return CANNOT_PARSE_BUG
No Data
If there are no usable properties or the module can't generate, NO_STRING_FOR_BUG
Errors in Requests for Multiple Bugs
If multiple bugs are requested, and errors are found, the errors are included in the reponse object:
{ "statuses": [
{ "id": "BUG ID",
"status": "BUG STATUS" },
{ "id": "BUG ID WITH ERROR",
"error": "ERROR MESSAGE" }