Buffer codec able to encode or decode primary data types.
Buffer Codec
BufferCodec is a lightweight low-level library that allows you to efficiently and easily translate between JSON and buffers by chaining together calls to write basic data types to buffers and other way around. It uses Typed Arrays which makes this package readily available for both, browsers and Node environments.
You may install the package via:
- npm
npm install buffercodec
- bower
bower install buffercodec
- git
git clone https://github.com/emmorts/buffercodec
Documentation is available here
Quick start
Encoding to buffer is as simple as this:
import { BufferCodec } from "buffercodec";
const buffer = new BufferCodec()
.string('hello world')
.uint16(Math.pow(2, 10))
.uint16(Math.pow(2, 8))
Decoding above buffer to a single object:
import { BufferCodec } from "buffercodec";
const object = BufferCodec
opcode: 'uint8',
name: 'string',
posX: 'uint16',
posY: 'uint16',
pi: 'float32'
object: {
opcode: 0x1,
name: 'hello world',
posX: 1024,
posY: 256,
pi: 3.1415927410125732
Top-level arrays are also supported, by providing the length of an array before its' items:
import { BufferCodec } from "buffercodec";
const length = 5;
const buffer = new BufferCodec().uint8(length);
for (let i = 1; i < length + 1; i++) {
.uint16(i * i);
const result = BufferCodec
id: 'uint8',
value: 'uint16'
result: [
{id: 1, value: 1},
{id: 2, value: 4},
{id: 3, value: 9},
{id: 4, value: 16},
{id: 5, value: 25}
BufferCodec supports the following types out of the box:
The properties in parentheses can be used in a template like so:
const result = BufferCodec
id: 'int16|littleEndian',
value: 'float32',
label: 'string|utf8'
Types can be wrapped in an array to indicate that an array is expected for the property:
const result = BufferCodec
x: ['int16'],
y: ['int16']
Note: when encoding arrays using BufferCodec, you need to supply length encoded in a uint8 value before encoding the objects. It is therefore recommended to use BufferSchema, which does this for you.
Nested objects can also be used:
const result = BufferCodec
foo: {
bar: {
baz: ['uint8']
Re-usable templates
Package includes class BufferSchema which allows you to define a schema per type and re-use it.
const pointSchema = new BufferSchema({
x: 'float32',
y: 'float32'
const buffer = pointSchema.encode({
x: Math.PI,
y: Math.PI
const point = pointSchema.decode(buffer);
Templates also support nullable types. You may also append a question mark to the type to indicate that the value is nullable, thus preserving space on the buffer in such event:
const result = new BufferSchema({
id: 'int16|littleEndian',
value: 'float32?',
label: 'string?|utf8'
Custom types
You can also add your custom strategy for encoding and decoding objects.
First, create a new strategy class implementing StrategyBase:
interface Point {
x: number,
y: number
class PointStrategy implements StrategyBase<Point> {
supports(template: BufferValueTemplate): boolean {
return typeof(template) === 'string' && template === 'point';
encode(point: Point, template: BufferValueTemplate, codec: BufferCodec) {
decode(template: BufferValueTemplate, codec: BufferCodec): Point {
return {
x: codec.decode({ type: 'float32' }),
y: codec.decode({ type: 'float32' })
Add the strategy:
Now whenever you reference your type in BufferSchema, your provided strategy will be used.
const playerSchema = new BufferSchema({
id: 'uint32',
name: 'string',
position: 'point'
id: 42,
name: 'AzureDiamond',
position: {
x: Math.PI,
y: Math.PI