Library to provide a super simple interface for uploading files to major cloud storage platforms. Currently supported platforms include AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Azure Blob Storage and Firebase.
Library to provide a super simple interface for uploading files to major cloud storage platforms. Currently supported platforms include AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Azure Blob Storage and Firebase.
Install bufferbus with npm
npm install bufferbus
There is a CommonJS build so you can require the library like you would any other Node.js library
const bufferBus = require("bufferbus");
There is also an ES Module build so you can import what you need
import { createUploader } from "bufferbus";
Usage is very straightforward. You simply create an upload function with your preferred platform
import { createUploader } from "bufferbus";
const uploadToFirebase = createUploader({
platform: "firebase",
config: {
bucket: "your_firebase_bucket",
clientEmail: "your_firebase_client_email",
privateKey: "your_firebase_private_key",
projectId: "your_firebase_project_id",
then use the upload function wherever you need. In this example we assume the file to be uploaded is located in the same folder as the script
const fileUrl = await uploadToFirebase({
data: fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, "./solar-system.jpg")),
fileName: "some_folder/some_nested_folder/solar-systems.jpg",
The data to be uploaded can either be a buffer, or a readable stream (to support super large uploads without affecting memory) as seen in the example above.
The upload function returns a url that can be used to access the uploaded file (this may be null if explicitly specified that the file should not be public).
Folders and nested folders are denoted with slashes before the actual file name as seen above.
The upload function allows you to specify a few options, namely:
mimeType (string)
The mimeType of the file being uploaded, "image/jpeg", "text/csv", "audio/midi" etc. Defaults to "application/octet-stream".
public (boolean)
If the uploaded file should be publicly accessible through a url. Defaults to true.
Please note: This is an object level setting and applies only to the uploaded file. The file may still be restricted by bucket/container level rules that prevent it from being publicly accessed. Such rules can be modified on the corresponding platform's dashboard.
overwriteDuplicate (boolean)
If to overwrite files in the same folder that have the same name as the uploaded file. Defaults to true.