A form generator component for VueJS, built on top of Buefy components and with Nuxt.js/SSR support
A form generator component for VueJS, built on top of Buefy components and with Nuxt.js/SSR support
• Add dependencies to your npm/yarn package manager:
npm install awesome-phonenumber buefy mdi moment nuxt-dropzone vee-validate vue-quill-editor vue-scrollto
# OR
yarn add awesome-phonenumber buefy mdi moment nuxt-dropzone vee-validate vue-quill-editor vue-scrollto
• Install the form generator:
npm install buefy-form-generator
# OR
yarn add buefy-form-generator
• Configure and use plugins in the direct parent .vue file in which you will use the <buefyFormGenerator>
import Vue from 'vue'
# it's better to import components a-la-carte
import Datepicker from 'buefy/src/components/datepicker/Datepicker.vue'
import Timepicker from 'buefy/src/components/timepicker/Timepicker.vue'
import Field from 'buefy/src/components/field/Field.vue'
import Select from 'buefy/src/components/select/Select.vue'
import Input from 'buefy/src/components/input/Input.vue'
import Checkbox from 'buefy/src/components/checkbox/Checkbox.vue'
import Switch from 'buefy/src/components/switch/Switch.vue'
import Message from 'buefy/src/components/message/Message.vue'
import Icon from 'buefy/src/components/icon/Icon.vue'
import Loading from 'buefy/src/components/loading/Loading.vue'
# this package already deals with all the validation through Vee-Validate
import VeeValidate, { ErrorComponent } from 'vee-validate'
# needed to scroll to the error
import VueScrollTo from 'vue-scrollto'
# install buefy-form-generator
Vue.component('buefyFormGenerator', require('buefy-form-generator'))
# //// OR - For Nuxt SSR support
if (process.browser) Vue.component('buefyFormGenerator', require('buefy-form-generator'))
# install components
Vue.component(Datepicker.name, Datepicker)
Vue.component(Timepicker.name, Timepicker)
Vue.component(Field.name, Field)
Vue.component(Select.name, Select)
Vue.component(Input.name, Input)
Vue.component(Checkbox.name, Checkbox)
Vue.component(Switch.name, Switch)
Vue.component(Message.name, Message)
Vue.component(Icon.name, Icon)
Vue.component(Loading.name, Loading)
# this is the VeeValidate config, you can customize it
const vvConfig = { enableAutoClasses: true, events: 'blur, change', errorBagName: 'vErrors' }
Vue.use(VeeValidate, vvConfig)
Vue.component('vv-error', ErrorComponent)
# use vue-scrollto
Import its css:
<style lang="css">
@import 'node_modules/buefy-form-generator/dist/bfg.css';
Insert in template:
@validation="($event) ? save() : error()"
This form generator parses a simple JSON schema to generate all what you need in a common form. Create a JSON object for each input you want to create as follows:
"inputName": { options },
Configurable input options
| Name | Type | Default | Description
|Adds a <h1 class="title is-5"></h1>
before the input. Supported keys: • icon: {String}
(icon class name from MDI ) • text: {String}
|With this property, you can customize the input's look and layout. Supported keys: • label: {String}
• icon: {String}
(icon class name from MDI ) • layout: {String}
(add here your CSS classes) |
|Configure the data properties, types and validation rules. Supported keys: • value: any type
(use this for editable values, otherwise set to null
for empty forms.) • type: {String}
(can be one of the following values: text
, textarea
, richtext
, number
, password
, checkbox
, switch
, select
, phone
, date
, time
, dropzone
, html
, link
) • disabled: {Boolean}
• disabled: {Boolean}
• noSend: {Boolean}
(If you want to show an input excluding it from the values passed via the @changed
event. Best to use it with disabled: true
.) • validate: {String}
(Insert your vee-validate validation rules. Click this link to see what is available) ╚ If (type = html
) • html: {String}
(HTML elements will always work as if noSend is set to true
for them.) ╚ If (type = dropzone
) • button: {String}
• options: {String}
╚ If (type = select
) • options: {Array}
(Array of objects with this format: {text: "text", value: "value"}
) ╚ If (type = number
) • step: {Float}
• min: {Float}
Example schema object
# Text
"name": {
"header": { "icon": "information", "text": "General Info" },
"appearance": { "label": "Name and Surname", "icon": "format-text", "layout": "column is-12-mobile is-6-tablet is-6-desktop is-6-widescreen" },
"data": { "value": null, "type": "text", "validate": "required|min:3" }
# Richtext
"bio": {
"appearance": { "label": "Biography", "icon": "format-text", "layout": "column is-12-mobile is-6-tablet is-6-desktop is-6-widescreen" },
"data": { "value": "A sample biography", "type": "richtext", "validate": "required|min:20" }
# Select
"gender": {
"appearance": { "label": "Gender", "icon": " human-male-female", "layout": "column is-12-mobile is-6-tablet is-6-desktop is-6-widescreen" },
"data": { "value": null, "type": "select",
"options": [
{ "text": "Male", "value": "gender-male"},
{ "text": "Female", "value": "gender-female"}
# Date
"birth_date": {
"header": { "icon": "calendar-multiple", "text": "Dates" },
"appearance": { "label": "Birth date", "icon": "calendar-clock", "layout": "column is-12-mobile is-6-tablet is-6-desktop is-6-widescreen" },
"data": { "value": null, "type": "date", "validate": "required|date_format:DD/MM/YYYY" }
# Time
"time": {
"header": { "icon": "clock", "text": "Time" },
"appearance": { "label": "Scheduled time", "icon": "clock", "layout": "column is-6" },
"data": { "value": null, "type": "time" }
# checkbox
"checkbox": {
"appearance": { "label": "Are you a PRO?", "icon": "format-text", "layout": "column is-3" },
"data": { "value": "No", "type": "checkbox" }
# Switch
"switch": {
"header": { "icon": "toggle-switch", "text": "Enable" },
"appearance": { "label": "Publish your profile", "icon": "format-text", "layout": "column is-3" },
"data": { "value": "No", "type": "switch" }
"guide": {
"header": { "icon": "information", "text": "Guide" },
"appearance": { "label": "Guide", "layout": "column is-12-mobile is-6-tablet is-6-desktop is-6-widescreen" },
"data": { "html": "Here you can insert as much <b>HTML</b> you wish. Any tag whatsoever.", "type": "html" }
# Dropzone
"image": {
"header": { "icon": "file-multiple", "text": "Avatar" },
"appearance": { "label": "Avatar", "layout": "column is-6" },
"data": {
"value": null,
"type": "dropzone",
"button": "Change avatar",
"options": {
"maxFiles": 1,
"url": "/",
"uploadMultiple": false,
"createImageThumbnails": true,
"acceptedFiles": ".jpg, .jpeg, .png"
To contribute
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.