Buck Trap helps you to BUmp Changelog Kiss Tag Release and Publish your repo
Buck Trap helps you to BUmp Changelog Kiss Tag Release And Publish your repo
npm install --save-dev buck-trap
Now add the following to your package.json scripts section
"buck-trap": "buck-trap -a"
So e.g.:
"scripts": {
"test": "tape tests/*",
"buck-trap": "buck-trap -a"
"dependencies": {
"buck-trap": "1.0.14"
Or if you don't like the defaults (deploy/auth.json
for the token file and dist
folder for the build folder)
"buck-trap": "buck-trap -a -t /absoulute/path/to/auth.json-file -af /absoulute/path/to/dist/folder"
Also add the name of your project to the repository section: "name": "organisation/repo-name"
So for example: "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/nens/buck-trap.git", "name": "nens/buck-trap" },
The auth.json file should like similar to this:
"token": "Your-token-that-you-created-on-github"
You can create your tokens here: https://github.com/settings/tokens Grant the token full access under the repo section
If everything is setup run:
npm run buck-trap
Releasing hotfixes or patches
If a stable release is coming out release it and start a new branch for the stable release e.g.:
git checkout -b release4.0
If stuff is fixed on this branch, the fixes can be rolled out as patches without
affecting the mainline release track.
To run buck-trap from this branch and to release the branch with its CHANGELOG.md
npm run buck-trap -- -b release4.0
The fixes and the CHANGELOG.md
would have to be merged with master, which might
give some merge conflicts. C'est la vie.