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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A highly customizable bubble generator component for Svelte applications using Threlte.




Bubbles-Threlte: Svelte Bubble Generator

A highly customizable bubble generator component for Svelte applications using Threlte (Three.js for Svelte). Create stunning bubble effects with ease, perfect for interactive backgrounds, particle systems, and more.


npm install bubbles-threlte


Import the BubbleEmitter component in your Svelte file:

import BubbleEmitter from 'bubbles-threlte';

Set up your bubble and emitter configurations:

  import { Vector3 } from 'three';
  import type { BubbleEmitterParams, BubbleParams } from 'bubbles-threlte';
  import { useFrame } from "@threlte/core";

  const eventEmitter = new BubbleEventEmitter();

  // Optionally, setup event listeners
  onMount(() => {
    eventEmitter.addListener('creationStarted', (event) => console.log("Bubble creation started", event.bubble));
    eventEmitter.addListener('creationFinished', (event) => console.log("Bubble creation finished", event.bubble));
    eventEmitter.addListener('removalStarted', (event) => console.log("Bubble removal started", event.bubble));
    eventEmitter.addListener('removalFinished', (event) => console.log("Bubble removal finished", event.bubble));
    eventEmitter.addListener('move', (event) => console.log("Bubble moved", event.bubble));

  const emitterParams: BubbleEmitterParams = {
    // Your emitter configuration

  const bubbleParams: BubbleParams = {
    // Your bubble configuration

  useFrame(() => {
    // Update params of your emitterParams and/or bubbleParams to generate new bubbles with this new data

Use the BubbleEmitter component in your Svelte template:

<BubbleEmitter {emitterParams} {bubbleParams} {eventEmitter} />

Configuration Parameters

The BubbleParams interface provides extensive customization for individual bubbles:

| Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | id | string | Unique identifier for the bubble. | | state | "creating" \| "active" \| "removing" | Current state of the bubble in its lifecycle. | | position | Vector3 | The bubble's position in 3D space. | | origin | Vector3 | The original spawn position of the bubble. | | velocity | Vector3 | The bubble's current velocity. | | size | number | The size of the bubble. | | opacity | number | The overall opacity of the bubble. | | geometry | SphereGeometry | The Three.js geometry used for the bubble. | | animationSpeed | number | Speed of the bubble's animation. | | smoothDeformWaveSin | number | Frequency of sinusoidal deformation. | | smoothDeformWaveCos | number | Frequency of cosinusoidal deformation. | | smoothDeformSpeedSin | number | Speed of sinusoidal deformation. | | smoothDeformSpeedCos | number | Speed of cosinusoidal deformation. | | smoothDeformStrengthSin | number | Strength of sinusoidal deformation. | | smoothDeformStrengthCos | number | Strength of cosinusoidal deformation. | | baseColor | Vector3 | The base color of the bubble (RGB). | | borderColor | Vector3 | The color of the bubble's border (RGB). | | reflectionColor | Vector3 | The color of reflections on the bubble (RGB). | | baseAlpha | number | The base alpha (transparency) of the bubble. | | borderAlpha | number | The alpha (transparency) of the bubble's border. | | glowStrength | number | The strength of the bubble's glow effect. | | gradientStrength | number | The strength of the color gradient effect. | | gradientSpeed | number | The speed of the color gradient animation. | | fresnel | Vector3 | Parameters for the Fresnel effect (edge highlighting). | | fresnelStrength | number | The strength of the Fresnel effect. | | noiseFrequency | number | The frequency of noise applied to the bubble's surface. | | noiseAmplitude | number | The amplitude of noise applied to the bubble's surface. | | seed | number | A random seed for consistent randomization. | | bubbleFilter | (bubble: BubbleParams) => boolean | A function to determine if a bubble should be removed. | | bubbleModifier | (bubble: BubbleParams) => void | A function to modify bubble properties on each frame. | | createAnimation | BubbleAnimation | Animation parameters for bubble creation. | | removeAnimation | BubbleAnimation | Animation parameters for bubble removal. |

The BubbleAnimation interface is used for both createAnimation and removeAnimation:

| Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | params | (bubble: BubbleParams) => void | A function to update bubble parameters during the animation. | | duration | number | The duration of the animation in milliseconds. |

These parameters provide extensive control over both the emission of bubbles and the appearance and behavior of individual bubbles. By adjusting these values, you can create a wide range of effects, from realistic soap bubbles to abstract particle systems.

| Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | spawnCondition | boolean | Determines whether new bubbles should be spawned. | | velocity | Vector3 | The initial velocity applied to newly spawned bubbles. | | bubbleSize | { min: number; max: number } | Defines the size range for spawned bubbles. | | scatterAngle | { min: number; max: number } | Sets the range of angles (in degrees) for random direction scatter upon spawn. | | maxBubbles | number | The maximum number of bubbles that can exist simultaneously. |

| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | creationStarted | Fired when a bubble starts its creation animation | | creationFinished | Fired when a bubble completes its creation animation | | removalStarted | Fired when a bubble starts its removal animation | | removalFinished | Fired when a bubble completes its removal animation | | move | Fired on each frame update for active bubbles |

These events can be used to trigger custom behaviors or synchronize other elements of your application with the bubble animations.


ShinyPop: Interactive Mouse-driven Bubbles

The ShinyPop example demonstrates how to create interactive bubbles that respond to mouse movement. Key features:

  • Bubbles spawn based on mouse velocity
  • Custom bubble physics for realistic movement
  • Smooth creation and removal animations

This example showcases the potential for creating engaging, interactive backgrounds or particle effects that respond to user input.

ScreenCover: Full-screen Bubble Animation

The ScreenCover example illustrates how to create a full-screen bubble animation. Key features:

  • Bubbles rise from the bottom of the screen
  • Subtle wave-like horizontal movement
  • Gradual size increase and opacity changes

This example is perfect for creating ambient background animations or loading screens with a soothing, aquatic feel.

VoidStar: Abstract Cosmic Effect

The VoidStar example creates an abstract, cosmic-like effect using a single, highly detailed bubble. Key features:

  • High-resolution sphere geometry
  • Subtle deformations for an organic feel

This example demonstrates how to use the bubble generator for creating unique, abstract visual effects beyond traditional bubble animations.

Waves: Dynamic Wave Simulation

The Waves example showcases how to create a dynamic wave-like effect using a single, large bubble. Key features:

  • Custom deformation parameters for wave-like movement
  • High-frequency noise for detailed surface texture
  • Fresnel effect for light interaction

This example illustrates the potential for using the bubble generator to create more complex, fluid-like animations and effects.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.