Tools for creating and managing UTXO-based tokens
Tools for creating and managing UTXO-based tokens
npm i btms-core
Example Usage
// todo
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
| | | --- | | Asset | | IncomingPayment | | OverlaySearchResult | | OwnershipProof | | SubmitResult | | TokenForRecipient |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Interface: Asset
export interface Asset {
assetId: string;
balance: number;
name?: string;
iconURL?: string;
metadata?: string;
incoming?: boolean;
incomingAmount?: number;
new?: boolean;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Interface: TokenForRecipient
export interface TokenForRecipient {
txid: string;
vout: number;
amount: number;
envelope: CreateActionResult;
keyID: string;
outputScript: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Interface: SubmitResult
export interface SubmitResult {
status: "auccess";
topics: Record<string, number[]>;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Interface: OverlaySearchResult
export interface OverlaySearchResult {
inputs: string | null;
mapiResponses: string | null;
outputScript: string;
proof: string | null;
rawTx: string;
satoshis: number;
txid: string;
vout: number;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Interface: IncomingPayment
export interface IncomingPayment {
txid: string;
vout: number;
outputScript: string;
amount: number;
token: TokenForRecipient;
sender: string;
messageId: string;
keyID: string;
envelope: CreateActionResult;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Interface: OwnershipProof
export interface OwnershipProof {
prover: string;
verifier: string;
assetId: string;
amount: number;
tokens: {
output: GetTransactionOutputResult;
linkage: SpecificKeyLinkageResult;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
Class: BTMS
The BTMS class provides an interface for managing and transacting assets using the Babbage SDK.
export class BTMS {
confederacyHost: string;
peerServHost: string;
tokenator: Tokenator;
tokensMessageBox: string;
marketplaceMessageBox: string;
protocolID: string;
basket: string;
tokenTopic: string;
satoshis: number;
authrite: Authrite;
privateKey: string | undefined;
marketplaceTopic: string;
constructor(confederacyHost = "", peerServHost = "", tokensMessageBox = "tokens-box", protocolID = "tokens", basket = "tokens", tokensTopic = "tokens", satoshis = 1000, privateKey?: string, marketplaceMessageBox = "marketplace", marketplaceTopic = "marketplace")
async listAssets(): Promise<Asset[]>
async issue(amount: number, name: string): Promise<SubmitResult>
async send(assetId: string, recipient: string, sendAmount: number, disablePeerServ = false, onPaymentSent = (payment: TokenForRecipient) => { }): Promise<SubmitResult>
async listIncomingPayments(assetId: string): Promise<IncomingPayment[]>
async acceptIncomingPayment(assetId: string, payment: IncomingPayment): Promise<boolean>
async refundIncomingTransaction(assetId: string, payment: IncomingPayment): Promise<SubmitResult>
async getTokens(assetId: string, includeEnvelope = true): Promise<GetTransactionOutputResult[]>
async getBalance(assetId: string, myTokens?: GetTransactionOutputResult[]): Promise<number>
async getTransactions(assetId: string, limit: number, offset: number): Promise<{
transactions: {
date: string;
amount: number;
txid: string;
counterparty: string;
async proveOwnership(assetId: string, amount: number, verifier: string): Promise<OwnershipProof>
async verifyOwnership(proof: OwnershipProof, useAnyoneKey = false): Promise<boolean>
validateAssetId(assetId: string): boolean
async listAssetForSale(assetId: string, amount: number, desiredAssets: Record<string, number>, description?: string): Promise<SubmitResult>
async findAllAssetsForSale(findMine = false): Promise<MarketplaceEntry[]>
async makeOffer(entry: MarketplaceEntry, assetId: string, amount: number): Promise<void>
async listOutgoingOffers(): Promise<MarketplaceOffer[]>
async cancelOutgoingOffer(offer: MarketplaceOffer): Promise<void>
async listIncomingOffers(forEntry?: MarketplaceEntry): Promise<MarketplaceOffer[]>
async acceptOffer(offer: MarketplaceOffer): Promise<void>
async acknowledgeNewlyAcquiredMarketplaceAssets(): Promise<void>
async rejectOffer(offer: MarketplaceOffer): Promise<void>
async acknowledgeRejection(offer: MarketplaceOffer): Promise<void>
BTMS constructor.
constructor(confederacyHost = "", peerServHost = "", tokensMessageBox = "tokens-box", protocolID = "tokens", basket = "tokens", tokensTopic = "tokens", satoshis = 1000, privateKey?: string, marketplaceMessageBox = "marketplace", marketplaceTopic = "marketplace")
Argument Details
- confederacyHost
- The confederacy host URL.
- peerServHost
- The peer service host URL.
- tokensMessageBox
- The message box ID.
- protocolID
- The protocol ID.
- basket
- The asset basket ID.
- tokensTopic
- The topic associated with the asset.
- satoshis
- The number of satoshis involved in transactions.
Method findAllAssetsForSale
Returns an array of all marketplace entries
async findAllAssetsForSale(findMine = false): Promise<MarketplaceEntry[]>
An array of all marketplace entries
Method getBalance
Get the balance of a given asset.
async getBalance(assetId: string, myTokens?: GetTransactionOutputResult[]): Promise<number>
Returns a promise that resolves to the balance.
Argument Details
- assetId
- The ID of the asset.
- myTokens
- (Optional) An array of token objects owned by the caller.
Method getTokens
Get all tokens for a given asset.
async getTokens(assetId: string, includeEnvelope = true): Promise<GetTransactionOutputResult[]>
Returns a promise that resolves to an array of token objects.
Argument Details
- assetId
- The ID of the asset.
- includeEnvelope
- Include the envelope in the result.
Method listAssetForSale
Lists an asset on the marketplace for sale
async listAssetForSale(assetId: string, amount: number, desiredAssets: Record<string, number>, description?: string): Promise<SubmitResult>
Overlay network submission results
Argument Details
- assetId
- The ID of the asset to list
- amount
- The amount you want to sell
- desiredAssets
- Assets you would desire to have in return so people can make you an offer
- description
- Marketplace listing description
Method listIncomingPayments
List incoming payments for a given asset.
async listIncomingPayments(assetId: string): Promise<IncomingPayment[]>
Returns a promise that resolves to an array of payment objects.
Argument Details
- assetId
- The ID of the asset.
Method send
Send tokens to a recipient.
async send(assetId: string, recipient: string, sendAmount: number, disablePeerServ = false, onPaymentSent = (payment: TokenForRecipient) => { }): Promise<SubmitResult>
Returns a promise that resolves to a transaction action object.
Argument Details
- assetId
- The ID of the asset to be sent.
- recipient
- The recipient's public key.
- sendAmount
- The amount of the asset to be sent.
Throws an error if the sender does not have enough tokens.
Method validateAssetId
Checks that an asset ID is in the correct format
validateAssetId(assetId: string): boolean
a boolean indicating asset ID validity
Argument Details
- assetId
- Asset ID to validate
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes
The license for the code in this repository is the Open BSV License.