A port of Blueprint/React-Bootstrap UI kit components to Brutal.js and CSS Grid, energized by the pursuit of minimalist code and minimalist design in all things.
brutestrap (v1.5.2)
A port of Blueprint/React-Bootstrap (also with Inspiration from Ignite and Evergreen) UI kit components to Brutal.js and CSS Grid, energized by the pursuit of minimalist code and minimalist design in all things.
[ Set([...Blueprint, ...Bootstrap])].map(convertTo(Brutal.js, CSSGrid)).filter(minimalistCode)
Roadmap / TODO list
Note: the choice of whether the component is from Blueprint or Bootstrap depends on which I think looks more like what I want.
Simple input components
- ~Blueprint text inputs~
- ~Blueprint tag inputs~
- ~Blueprint file inputs~
- ~Spinner~
- ~Button with spinner~
Intermediate Components
- ~Table (defined by three functions, column_header(i), row_header(j), cell_data(i,j))~
- ~Datalist (defined by 1 function data(i))~
- List component (list of inputs).
- Map component (map of inputs, string keys to inputs).
Media Components
- Image Capture component (upload)
- Page capture component (is this possible in regular browser JS? upload)
- Sound recorder component (streaming / upload)
- Video recorder component (streaming / upload)
- Location capture component (streaming / upload)
Layout Components
- Modal (of various kinds)
- Drawer
- Toast
- Dialog
- Menu
Advanced Input components
- Live updating fuzzy search input (e.g: "type your city...", "skill...", "topic...") (not just a datalist or its select polyfill on iOS, but a true fuzzy search input with updating list that works on any target)
- Group of inputs (group of observations of a particular input, either listed, or mapped) "higher order component" that takes any imput component, and either "list" or "map" type (map types will just support string keys for now)
Extended Components
- Table
- Rename columns (optional)
- Reorder rows (optional)
- Reorder columns (optional)
- Columns can be deleted (optional)
- Columns can be hidden (optional)
- Presentation mutations can be saved.
- List component
- Slots can be reordered (optional).
- Can page for more inputs (optional).
- Map component
- Keys can be renamed (optional).
- Keys can have order (optional).
- Keys can be reordered (optional).