Brocoli pi - Flask REST API for Raspberry pi
Brocoli pi
Brocoli pi - Flask REST API for Raspberry pi
Install with git
Clone the repository :
git clone
Launch Brocoli pi
Launch the server :
Your server will then be running locally at address From other devices, the address will be your pi address. Example : You can get your raspberry pi IP address with the following command :
hostname -I
Install with npm
Install the package
npm install brocoli-pi
Navigate inside the brocoli-pi folder then :
Launch Brocoli pi
npm start
Extras - Setup autorun on bootup
If you want to start the server automatically when you boot up your raspberry, you can modify your .profile file located in your raspberry pi home folder :
sudo nano ~/.profile
Add the following line at the end of the file :
python <>/
Then press CTRL+X, Y to save and quit the file editor.
Example : Let's say your git repository is located in your home folder. If you want to add a greeting message, pull the latest version of Brocoli-pi and also start the server you would do something like this :
echo Greetings, human.
cd ~/
git pull origin master
Using Brocoli-pi
To run the server :
Once the server is started, you can test it by navigating to You should see a list of your outputs.
Classes :
- Output : Single output pin
- Group : Group of output pins
Usage :
# Instanciate an output at location '17'
# with label "Red Light".
output = Output(17, "Red Light")
# Toggles the voltage of 'output'
# ...
# Instanciate a group controlling 'outputs' with
# the label "LED group"
group = Group(0, outputs, "LED group")
# This will toggle the voltage of the outputs
# of the group.
Routes :
- GET/ outputs : Returns informations of current binded outputs
- GET/ outputs/:id : Returns information of the output at 'id' location
- GET/ outputs/:id/toggle : Toggle the voltage of the output at 'id' location
- GET/ groups : Returns informations of current binded groups
- GET/ groups/:id : Returns information of the group 'id'
- GET/ groups/:id/toggle : Toggle the voltage of the output of group 'id'
Example responses :
GET/ outputs :
"results": [
"id": 17,
"info": "Red Light",
"state": false
"id": 18,
"info": "Green Light",
"state": false
"id": 19,
"info": "Yellow Light",
"state": false
GET/ outputs/17/toggle :
"id": 17,
"info": "Red Light",
"state": true
GET/ groups/0 :
"id": 0,
"info": "Basic 3 LED group",
"outputs": [
"id": 17,
"info": "Red Light",
"state": false
"id": 18,
"info": "Green Light",
"state": false
"id": 19,
"info": "Yellow Light",
"state": false
"state": false
Working on it :) This is what is available at the moment.
Routes :
- GET/ weather/current?city='city' : Returns current's weather of 'city'
- GET/ weather/forecast?city='city' : Returns today's forecast of 'city'
Example responses :
GET/ weather/current?city=Quebec :
"precip_mm": 1.7,
"last_updated": "2017-04-12 03:15",
"wind_degree": 50,
"wind_kph": 15.1,
"is_day": 0,
"temp_f": 36.3,
"vis_miles": 5,
"temp_c": 2.4,
"humidity": 98,
"last_updated_epoch": 1491981306,
"cloud": 0,
"feelslike_c": -1.5,
"wind_mph": 9.4,
"feelslike_f": 29.3,
"wind_dir": "NE",
"pressure_mb": 1021,
"vis_km": 9.3,
"precip_in": 0.07,
"pressure_in": 30.6,
"condition": {
"text": "Clear",
"code": 1000,
"icon": "//"
GET/ weather/forecast?city=Quebec :
"forecastday": [
"date": "2017-04-12",
"astro": {
"moonrise": "08:58 PM",
"moonset": "07:03 AM",
"sunset": "07:30 PM",
"sunrise": "06:03 AM"
"date_epoch": 1491955200,
"day": {
"avgvis_miles": 6,
"avghumidity": 84,
"totalprecip_mm": 3.6,
"avgtemp_c": 3.1,
"avgtemp_f": 37.5,
"maxwind_mph": 5.8,
"mintemp_f": 36,
"maxtemp_c": 3.2,
"mintemp_c": 2.2,
"maxtemp_f": 37.8,
"totalprecip_in": 0.14,
"maxwind_kph": 9.4,
"avgvis_km": 10.4,
"condition": {
"text": "Light drizzle",
"code": 1153,
"icon": "//"
"hour": [
"heatindex_c": 1.1,
"heatindex_f": 34,
"will_it_rain": 1,
"will_it_snow": 0,
"windchill_c": -1.2,
"windchill_f": 29.8,
"pressure_in": 30.6,
"cloud": 100,
"precip_mm": 1.7,
"is_day": 0,
"feelslike_c": -1.2,
"condition": {
"text": "Light drizzle",
"code": 1153,
"icon": "//"
"feelslike_f": 29.8,
"wind_mph": 5.8,
"dewpoint_c": 2.3,
"vis_km": 9.3,
"temp_f": 31.1,
"temp_c": -0.5,
"pressure_mb": 1021,
"time_epoch": 1491969600,
"precip_in": 0.07,
"wind_dir": "ENE",
"wind_kph": 9.4,
"vis_miles": 5,
"humidity": 80,
"dewpoint_f": 36.1,
"time": "2017-04-12 00:00",
"wind_degree": 59