Svelte component for flexbox rows and columns
Some Flexbox components for svelte.
Inspired by the layout components of AngularJS Material.
Unlike the AngularJS layout components, these have no responsive breakpoints and don't have a flex-order attribute.
Component Import
Import the components you need in your <script>
import { FlexColumn, FlexColumnCell, FlexRow, FlexRowCell } from "braintapper-svelte-flex";
Example Markup
<!-- this creates a row with 3 cells -->
<FlexRowCell flex="initial" >
some content here
<FlexRowCell flex>
some content here
<FlexRowCell flex="initial">
some content here
Flex Prop Values
The <FlexRowCell>
and <FlexColumnCell>
take a flex prop/attribute.
Example flex
attribute values
0 - 100 in increments of 5 translate to width in %
Example: <FlexRowCell flex={85}>
33 and 66 for three row/column layouts
Example: <FlexRowCell flex={33}>
When flex is present with an unmatched value in its CSS, it will fill the row/cell as required:
Example: <FlexRowCell flex>
When flex is initial
, retains the initial height or width
Example: <FlexRowCell flex="initial">
When flex is auto
, starts with its initial height or width but will grow or shrink as needed
Example: <FlexRowCell flex="auto">
When flex is grow
, will shrink/grow as needed. Starts with a size of 100%. Same as flex="100"
Example: <FlexRowCell flex="grow">
When flex is nogrow
, starts with its initial height or width but will only shrink as needed
Example: <FlexRowCell flex="nogrow">
When flex is noshrink
, starts with its initial height or width but will only grow as needed
Example: <FlexRowCell flex="noshrink">
License: MIT