Utilities to get mentions and references between notes
Introduction is the core library used in, that provides utilities to write notes and automaticly create relations between them.
It acomplish this by exposing the Note and the Notebook class:
import Notebook from '';
import Note from '';
const note = new Note('Functional programming', 'In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing functions.');
const note2 = new Note('Functions', 'In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit.');
const notebook = new Notebook().update(note).update(note2);
// Get mentions
const mentions = notebook.getMentionsOf(note); // returns a Inmutable.Set<Mention>() { Mention { from: note, to: note2, key: 'functions' } }
const references = notebook.getReferencesOf(note2); // returns a Inmutable.Set<Mention>() { Mention { from: note2, to: note, key: 'functions' } }
Core library in TS and JS
The library is writen in TS and transpiled to JS and both files are exposed.
Singleton Pattern
It also provides a Notebook Singleton object and a Proxy Note object that automaticly keep track of all the changes of any instance, updating the Notebook.notes repo.
import { Notebook } from '';
import { NoteProxy as Note } from '';
const note = new Note('Title', 'content');
Notebook.dictionary.size === 1; // true
Notebook.notes.size === 1; // true
// do it twice and it must keep the same values because the note has the same title.
// this next line will not return a new note because there is already a Note with the same title, it will return the curent note from Notebook.notes and the note.content updated.
const noteCopy = new Note('Title', 'content');
Notebook.dictionary.size === 1; // true
Notebook.notes.size === 1; // true
note === noteCopy; // true