Brazilian electronic store web scrapping utility.
BR Scraper
Brazilian electronic store web scrapping utility. Scrape the web with just a link and a store name!
For a list of the supported stores, check the file.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Install the package from npm:
npm install --save br-scraper
Include it in your project:
const scraper = require('br-scraper');
Now you can start querying products.
All methods support both promises and callbacks, so it is up to user preference on which way to use.
createItemFromStore will generate a new item, containing the following items:
- vendor (the name of the store in which the query was done)
- name (the name of the product according to the store)
- regularPrice (the regular price of the item)
- discountPrice (the discount price, normally from paying in full)
- thumbnail (an image describing the product)
- uri (the link passed to query this item)
- created_at (a Date object, to describe when the item was created)
Example usage:
const obj = {
store: 'kabum',
uri: '',
scraper.createItemFromStore(obj.uri, => console.log(item));
scraper.createItemFromStore(obj.uri,, (error, item) => {
if (error) {
} else {
Expected item response:
"vendor": "KaBuM!",
"name": "Cartucho de Tinta HP 662 Preto CZ103AB",
"regularPrice": "32,82",
"discountPrice": "27,90",
"thumbnail": "",
"uri": "",
"created_at": "2017-01-06T03:48:20.211Z"
createMultipleItemsFromStore functions similarly to createItemFromStore, but receives an array of URIs as the first parameter, so you can query multiple products from the same store.
const uris = [
scraper.createMultipleItemsFromStore(uris, 'kabum').then(items => console.log(items));
scraper.createMultipleItemsFromStore(uris, 'kabum', (error, items) => {
if (error) {
} else {
This is a function called by createItemFromStore and createMultipleItemsFromStore. It returns a promise for your requested URI. Needed to do the manual updating methods. Two parameters are needed, the first being the URI and the second being the store name.
const store = 'kabum';
const uri = '';
const promise = scraper.getHTML(uri, store);
promise.then($ => scraper.methods.newItem($, uri, store))
.then(item => console.log(item));
Manual updating
If you want, you can call the creation methods separately.
To call the manual functions, you need to call them from scraper.methods
getName($, store)
Gets the name from a getHTML rendered page.
is passed from getHTML and store
is the chosen store name.
Returns the name of the product defined on the page.
const store = 'kabum';
const uri = '';
const promise = scraper.getHTML(uri, store);
promise.then($ => scraper.methods.getName($, store))
.then(name => console.log(name));
getCurrentPrices($, store)
Gets the current prices from a getHTML rendered page.
is passed from getHTML and store
is the chosen store name.
Returns an object containing two parameters:
Both prices are a comma separated price string. If no value was found for the price, it will return NaN.
const store = 'kabum';
const uri = '';
const promise = scraper.getHTML(uri, store);
promise.then($ => scraper.methods.getCurrentPrices($, store))
.then(prices => console.log(prices));
getThumbnail($, store)
Gets the image thumbnail from a getHTML rendered page.
is passed from getHTML and store
is the chosen store name.
Returns the image link of the product defined on the page.
const store = 'kabum';
const uri = '';
const promise = scraper.getHTML(uri, store);
promise.then($ => scraper.methods.getThumbnail($, store))
.then(thumbnail => console.log(thumbnail));
newItem($, uri, store)
This is the item constructor function. It calls all the getter functions and returns a built item object.
is passed from getHTML, uri
is the link associated with item and store
is the chosen store name.
Returns the new item object, as described on the createItemFromStore
const store = 'kabum';
const uri = '';
const promise = scraper.getHTML(uri, store);
promise.then($ => scraper.methods.newItem($, uri, store))
.then(item => console.log(item));
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Francisco Knebel - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details