A protocol buffer parser
A Protocol Buffer 3 compliant parser written in TypeScript.
This project is maintained over at GitLab: https://gitlab.com/adleatherwood/bplus-protobuf
npm i bplus-protobuf
Read a single proto file
const content = fs.readFileSync("./samples/root/Entities.proto", { encoding: "utf8" })
const actual = Proto3.read(content)
if (!actual.proto)
fail("proto not parsed")
Read multiple proto and recursively resolve dependent types
The I/O is abstracted from the logic so that it can be run from any runtime. The ContentReader
is what is needed by the extractor to read files.
export interface ContentReader {
exists(filename: string): boolean
read(filename: string): string
function createReader(): ContentReader {
return {
exists: (fn) => fs.existsSync(fn),
read: (fn) => fs.readFileSync(fn, { encoding: "utf8" }),
Now that we have a "reader" established, We can set up two protos to work with.
syntax = "proto3";
package examples.entities;
import "Components.proto";
message Person {
string id = 1;
int Age = 2;
examples.components.Name Name = 3;
examples.components.Address Address = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package examples.components;
message Name {
string first = 1;
string last = 2;
message Address {
string line1 = 1;
string line2 = 2;
string street = 3;
string city = 4;
string zip = 5;
message Unrelated {
string value1 = 1;
This will parse all types from Entities.proto
and the walk through the imports list to resolve the
field types from other proto files.
const reader = createReader()
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"])
const actual = result.protos
.reduce((r, p) => r.concat(p.messages), [] as MessageInfo[])
.map(m => m.name)
// the "Unrelated" type is excluded because it isn't referenced by anything from "Entities.proto"
expect(actual).toEqual(["Address", "Name", "Person"])
You can also pass a list of things to include or exclude. These can be expressed as a string[] | RegExp[] | "all" | "none"
. Includes
only work on the top-level protos passed into the second parameter. They are not applied recursively. Excludes work on
all levels. This may seem a little inconsistent, but the premise is this:
- Includes: "Only pull these things from these files & pull anything else they depend on"
- Excludes: "Filter out these things from my end result"
// include "all", exclude "none"
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"], "all", "none")
// implied include "all", exclude "none"
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"])
// include only the "Person" type from the "Entities.proto"
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"], ["examples.entities.Person"])
// include things like /Person/ from the "Entities.proto"
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"], [/Person/])
// include "all" from "Entities.proto" and filter out the "Name" type
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"], "all", ["examples.components.Name"])
// include "all" from "Entities.proto" and filter out types like /Name/
const result = Extract.protos(reader, "./samples/root", ["Entities.proto"], "all", [/Name/])
The output schema
The full schema of what is return from either a single proto read or an extraction.
export type ProtoInfo = {
kind: "proto"
syntax: string
package: string
imports: ImportInfo[]
enums: EnumInfo[]
messages: MessageInfo[]
options: OptionInfo[]
export type SyntaxInfo = {
kind: "syntax"
value: string
export type PackageInfo = {
kind: "package"
value: string
export type ImportInfo = {
kind: "import"
isPublic: boolean
isWeak: boolean
value: string
export type OptionInfo = {
kind: "option"
name: string
value: string
export type ValueInfo = {
kind: "value"
name: string
value: number
options: OptionInfo[]
export type EnumInfo = {
kind: "enum"
name: string
values: ValueInfo[]
options: OptionInfo[]
export type FieldInfo = {
kind: "field"
repeated: boolean
type: string
name: string
index: number
options: OptionInfo[]
export type RangeInfo = {
kind: "range"
from: number
to: number | "max"
export type ReservedInfo = {
kind: "reserved"
ranges: RangeInfo[]
names: string[]
export type OneofInfo = {
kind: "oneof"
name: string
fields: FieldInfo[]
options: OptionInfo[]
export type MapInfo = {
kind: "map"
name: string
keyType: string
type: string
index: number
options: OptionInfo[]
export type MessageInfo = {
kind: "message"
name: string
reserved: ReservedInfo[]
fields: FieldInfo[]
oneofs: OneofInfo[]
maps: MapInfo[]
enums: EnumInfo[]
messages: MessageInfo[]
options: OptionInfo[]
export type RequestInfo = {
kind: "request"
stream: boolean
type: string
export type ResponseInfo = {
kind: "response"
stream: boolean
type: string
export type RpcInfo = {
kind: "rpc"
name: string
request: RequestInfo,
response: ResponseInfo,
options: OptionInfo[]
export type ServiceInfo = {
kind: "service"
name: string
rpcs: RpcInfo[]
export type ReadResult = {
success: boolean
message: string
proto: ProtoInfo | undefined
export type ExtractResult = {
protos: ProtoInfo[]
found: string[] // this a sorted list of types that were found
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