Web component that handles SVG icons
Web component that handles SVG icons
Currently component supports icons in format of XML - created from path elements - see cui-icons.
How to
To use package on environment first you need to import icons package
Call window.initCuiIcon(iconPack, options?)
where options
- prefix - custom prefix value. Default is 'cui'
In your html use <cui-icon name="your-icon-name" ratio="$ratio" color="$color" padding="$padding" fill="$fill" fillSelector="$fillSelector"></cui-icon>
- $ratio - is a mulitplier for icon size. Value is multiplied by 20 and set as width and height
- $color - any valid CSS color string - black is default
- $padding - number - 2 is default - amount of padding in px added to host element
- $fillSelector - selector pointing paths which can be filled with color
- $fill - color - color to fill paths with given fillSelector - none is default
- $accentSelector - selector for paths which can be colored with accent color
- $accent - color
- $rotatation - 0-360 - value that icon shall be rotated by
Use custom CSS variables
There is possibility of changing svg color without setting a color attribute. It is enough to set custom css property called: --{prefix}-icon-color
where prefix is a value set in JS initializer function (cui by default)
Example initialization
Below example show how to initialize icon component with direct scripts import:
Example link to icons: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bpd-cui-icons@latest/cui-icons.js
Link to icon itself: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bpd-icon@latest/dist/cuiIcon.js
In yout main script call this line:
comes from icons library
For more details about icons visit library github page: https://github.com/bpd-d/cui-icons
Create wrapper
In case you want control