Upload bower packages to S3
Bower to S3 synchronizes an S3 bucket + prefix with the contents of a given Bower package.
Usage via the Command Line
# Install as a global executable
$ npm install -g bower-to-s3
$ bower-to-s3 -h # print help
Usage: bower-to-s3 [options] package bucket
-h, --help output usage information
-b, --base [directory] The base directory within the Bower package to use. (Defaults to "./")
-s, --select [glob pattern] The glob pattern to use in the base directory when selecting files to upload. (Defaults to "**/*")
-v, --version [number] The package version to upload. If fuzzy the latest matching one is used. (Defaults to latest release)
-p, --prefix [prefix] The prefix in the S3 bucket to upload to. (Defaults to root of the S3 bucket)
--keyId [key id] The AWS Access Key Id to use when uploading files.
--accessKey [access key] The AWS Access Key to use when uploading files.
Usage via the API
# Install as a local package
$ npm install --save bower-to-s3
// Inside a JavaScript file...
var bowerToS3 = require('bower-to-s3');
// Required options
// A bower package name or url.
pkg: 'my-package',
// Required. The AWS Access Key Id to use when uploading the package.
awsAccessKeyId: 'abcdef',
// The AWS Secret Access Key to use when uploading the package.
awsSecretAccessKey: '123456',
// The S3 bucket name to upload the package to.
bucket: 'the-s3-bucket',
// Optional options
// The version of the bower package to use. Defaults to latest release.
version: '1.8',
// The base directory in the bower package to upload. Defaults to './'.
base: './dist',
// The glob pattern to use when selecting files to upload. Defaults to '**/*'.
select: '**/*.js',
// The prefix within the S3 bucket to upload the files to. Defaults to ''.
prefix: 'version-1.8'
// The bowerToS3 call returns a promise, use .then to be notified of completion.
// Errors can be caught by using .catch