An SDK for integrating Botkit Studio's trigger and script management APIs into a bot
Botkit Studio SDK
Botkit Studio is a hosted development tool for bot builders. Botkit Studio will substantially ease the development and deployment of a Bot, help to avoid common coding pitfalls, and provide a valuable management interface for the bot's dialog content and configuration. Botkit Studio is a product of, the creators of Botkit.
This SDK allows developers to use the Botkit Studio APIs without using Botkit. This is useful for bot developers who have existing apps but would benefit from features like bot-specific content management.
Install the SDK from npm:
npm install --save botkit-studio-sdk
Connecting to Botkit Studio
First, register for a developer accont with Botkit Studio and acquire an API token. This will identify your bot and grant your application access to the APIs.
In your bot application, include the library and create an API client:
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
Botkit Studio SDK Methods
bks_client.evaluateTrigger(input_text, user_id)
| Argument | Description |--- |--- | input_text | This is the input string you want to evaluate for possible triggers. | user_id | A unique user id representing the user whose input is being evaluated
This function uses Botkit Studio's trigger API to test input text against all of a bots configured triggers. If a trigger is matched, the matching script will be returned as a JSON object. Otherwise, an empty object will be returned.
Function returns a promise.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.evaluateTrigger('hello how are you', user_id).then(function(script_object) {
// will always return a script_object.
// if it couldnt find a script the script_object will be an empty object
if (script_object.command) {
// a trigger was matched, do something...
// ... interpret the script object
} else {
// no matching trigger
}).catch(function(err) {
// an error occured while using the BKS API
bks_client.getScript(script_name, user_id)
| Argument | Description |--- |--- | script_name | The name of a script that exists in Botkit Studio | user_id | A unique user id representing the user whose input is being evaluated
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives a JSON object representing the script identified by script_name.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.getScript('thanks', user_id).then(function(script_object) {
// will always return a script_object.
// if it couldnt find a script the script_object will be an empty object
// interpret script object
if (script_object.command) {
// a trigger was matched, do something...
// ... interpret the script object
} else {
// no matching trigger
}).catch(function(err) {
bks_client.getScriptById(script_id, user_id)
| Argument | Description |--- |--- | script_id | The id of a script that exists in Botkit Studio | user_id | A unique user id representing the user whose input is being evaluated
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives a JSON object representing the script identified by script_id.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.getScriptById('5a7381d85d49c200142ed7bf', user_id).then(function(script_object) {
if (script_object.command) {
// a trigger was matched, do something...
// ... interpret the script object
} else {
// no matching trigger
}).catch(function(err) {
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives a JSON array containing all of the currently available scripts.
Optionally specify a tag value. If specified, only scripts with the specified tag will be returned.
var BKS = require('botkit-studio-sdk');
var bks_client = new BKS({
studio_token: 'studio token from botkit studio goes here'
bks_client.getScripts().then(function(script_list) {
// script_list contains an array
}).catch(function(err) {
Response to getScripts will be in the format:
name: "script name",
description: "script description",
triggers: [
type: "string",
pattern: "foo"
bks_client.createScript(trigger, text)
Create a simple script in Botkit Studio with a single trigger and one reply.
Returns a promise that, when resolved, receives an object representing the new script.
Script Object Schema
A script JSON object from Botkit Studio API should look something like this:
"description":"Respond when a human says hello!",
"Hello Human!",
"How do you do?",
"Nice to meet you Human.",
"How’s it going?",
"Hey there!",
"G`day human!",
"You can edit it to customize my behaviors."