This Telegram bot allows users to check the price of cryptocurrencies on the Bitget exchange directly from their Telegram chat. It is built using Telegraf, a modern Telegram bot framework for Node.js, and integrates with the Bitget API to fetch real-time
Telegram Bot for Bitget Exchange Price Checker
This Telegram bot allows users to check the price of cryptocurrencies on the Bitget exchange directly from their Telegram chat. It is built using Telegraf, a modern Telegram bot framework for Node.js, and integrates with the Bitget API to fetch real-time price data.
- Check the current price of cryptocurrencies on the Bitget exchange.
- Easy-to-use commands directly in your Telegram chat.
- Fast and reliable price updates.
Setup Instructions
To set up and run this Telegram bot, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository:
Copy code
- Install Dependencies: Navigate into the project directory and install the required dependencies using npm:
npm install
Copy code
Configure the Bot Token: Obtain a bot token from BotFather on Telegram and replace
with your actual bot token.Run the Bot:
node bot.js
Copy code
- Interact with the Bot:
Open your Telegram client and start interacting with your bot. Use the
command to fetch the current price of cryptocurrencies on the Bitget exchange.
Once the bot is running and set up correctly, users can interact with it by sending commands directly in their Telegram chat. Here are the available commands:
: Check the current price of cryptocurrencies on the Bitget exchange.