Botkit adapter for Facebook Workplace
This module is a wrapper around botbuilder-adapter-facebook that allows you to connect botkit to Facebook Workplace using "Require App Secret Proof" option in Custom Integration Settings.
Install Package
Add this package to your project using npm:
npm install
Import the adapter class into your code:
const { WorkplaceAdapter } = require('botbuilder-adapter-workplace');
Botkit Basics
When used in concert with Botkit, developers need only pass the configured adapter to the Botkit constructor, as seen below. Botkit will automatically create and configure the webhook endpoints and other options necessary for communicating with Facebook.
Developers can then bind to Botkit's event emitting system using controller.on
and controller.hears
to filter and handle incoming events from the messaging platform.
const adapter = new WorkplaceAdapter({
verify_token: process.env.FACEBOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN,
app_secret: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
access_token: process.env.FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN
adapter.use(new FacebookEventTypeMiddleware());
const controller = new Botkit({
// ...other options
controller.on('message', async(bot, message) => {
await bot.reply(message, 'I heard a message!');
Calling Facebook APIs
This package also includes a minimal Facebook API client. To use with a BotBuilder application, the adapter provides the getAPI() method.
controller.on('message', async(bot, message) {
// call the facebook API to get the bot's page identity
let identity = await bot.api.callAPI('/me', 'GET', {});
await bot.reply(message,`My name is ${ }`);
About Botkit
Botkit is a part of the Microsoft Bot Framework.
Want to contribute? Read the contributor guide
Botkit is released under the MIT Open Source license