This is a package to help managers of the Digital Addressable Controller 6000 system (DAC 6000). This package makes consults by webscraping to his web GUI and returns the data of the Set-Top Box such as for example Installation configuration of the Set-To
Bot-dac :tv:
On HFC networks we have Digital Addressable Controllers providing secured access control for digital video distribution systems. Bot-dac is a library on JavaScript To help non-administrators users. Makes it easy to extract information from the DAC.
Installation :books:
To install bot-dac you need to have installed NodeJs. Then you will type:
npm i bot-dac
The package installation will be installing a Chromium version. It due to we used puppeteer, a library on JavaScript for web scraping. And his default web explorer is Chromium.
Deployment :package:
Bot-dac uses two principal libraries. The first one is Puppeteer that made web scraping and the second is Telegraf that interacts with the Telegram Bot API. You need to configure nothing on them. As you know. The DAC stores all set-top boxes information. So to extract that information. Bot-dac realizes a web scraping to the principal tabs and returns it via telegram message.
To reach to run the Bot-dac on your computer or server. You need to configure some environment variables on your operating system.
Bot-dac uses a robot of Telegram to return the information. So you need to create a robot on Telegram with BotFather. When you ended the process Telegram will give you a TOKEN. Save it, it will be confidential. You can review the Telegram API Doc to learn how it works.
The first one environment variable is the bot token:
This is an example. The BotFather will give you your own and unique token.
The DAC user:
The DAC password:
The DAC URL or IP:
To configure the environment variables I used dotenv. Feel free to configure at your way these environment variables on your operating system.
:pushpin: Make sure to configure the name of the environment variables how I showed you :point_up: