Starts or connects to the boss daemon on the local computer
A interface to an instance of boss running on the same host.
Local boss instance (e.g. on the same server). If the daemon cannot be reached it will be started.
N.b. the daemon will drop to the user account specified in the config file so please ensure you have sufficient privileges to do this.
var connect = require('boss-local').connect,
config = {
boss: {
rundir: '/var/run/boss',
logdir: '/var/log/boss',
timeout: 10000
debug: {
daemon: false,
cluster: false
connect(config, function(error, boss) {
// we are now connected to local boss instance
boss.listProcesses(function(error, processes) {
// do something
// close connection
N.b. If you fail to close the connection to the daemon, your program will probably not exit.
Is Boss running?
Sometimes you don't want to start the daemon, you'd just like to know if boss is running on the current host or not.
var running = require('boss-local').running
config = {
boss: {
rundir: '/var/run/boss',
logdir: '/var/log/boss',
timeout: 10000
debug: {
daemon: false,
cluster: false
running(config, function(isRunning) {
if(isRunning) {'boss is running')
} else {'boss is not running')
By default boss will log messages to the console. If you wish to pass these somewhere else (or ignore them entirely, pass an additional object in to the connect function with four properties - info
, warn
, error
, debug
var connect = require('boss-local').connect,
config = {
boss: {
rundir: '/var/run/boss',
logdir: '/var/log/boss',
timeout: 10000
debug: {
daemon: false,
cluster: false
logger = {
info: function() {},
warn: function() {},
error: function() {},
debug: function() {}
connect(config, logger, function(error, boss) {
// we are now connected to the boss instance
If you are making lots of connections, for convenience you may wish to bind these arguments to the function:
var connect = require('boss-local').connect,
connect = connect.bind(null, {
boss: {
rundir: '/var/run/boss',
logdir: '/var/log/boss',
timeout: 10000
debug: {
daemon: false,
cluster: false
}, {
info: function() {},
warn: function() {},
error: function() {},
debug: function() {}
connect(function(error, boss) {
// we are now connected to the boss instance