Application bootstrapping on top of Fluture Hooks
Application bootstrapping on top of Fluture Hooks.
Booture uses Hooks (as you might expect) to ensure that whatever happens, once a service is acquired, it will always be disposed. Furthermore, acquisition and disposal of services happens at optimal parallelism.
Booture exposes a single function: bootstrap
, which in
combination with Fluture and Fluture Hooks, provides an ideal
platform for control over your application lifecycle.
$ npm install --save fluture booture fluture-hooks
On Node 12 and up, this module can be loaded directly with import
. On Node versions below 12, require
or the esm-loader can
be used.
Deno and Modern Browsers
You can load the EcmaScript module from various content delivery networks:
Old Browsers and Code Pens
There's a UMD file included in the NPM package, also available via jsDelivr:[email protected]/dist/umd.js
This file adds booture
to the global scope, or use CommonJS/AMD
when available.
Usage Example
The example below defines four "services": config
, postgres
, redis
and app
. The App depends on Redis and Postgres having been initialized,
which in turn depend on the Config service.
The consumption of these services happens in the form of binding the App to a port, and waiting for SIGINT to complete the consumption.
import {Future, node, fork, attempt} from 'fluture';
import {bootstrap} from 'booture';
import {hook, acquire, runHook} from 'fluture-hooks';
const acquireConfig = (
attempt (() => ({
redis: {url: process.env.REDIS_URL},
postgres: {url: process.env.POSTGRES_URL},
const acquirePostgres = config => (
node (done => require ('imaginary-postgres').connect (config, done))
const acquireRedis = config => (
node (done => require ('imaginary-redis').connect (config, done))
const closeConnection = connection => (
node (done => connection.end (done))
const acquireApp = (redis, postgres) => (
attempt (() => require ('./imaginary-app').create (redis, postgres))
const bootstrapConfig = {
name: 'config',
needs: [],
bootstrap: () => acquire (acquireConfig),
const bootstrapPostgres = {
name: 'postgres',
needs: ['config'],
bootstrap: ({config}) => hook (acquirePostgres (config.postgres))
const bootstrapRedis = {
name: 'redis',
needs: ['config'],
bootstrap: ({config}) => hook (acquireRedis (config.redis))
const bootstrapApp = {
name: 'app',
needs: ['redis, postgres'],
bootstrap: ({redis, postgres}) => acquire (acquireApp (redis, postgres)),
const servicesHook = bootstrap ([ bootstrapConfig,
bootstrapApp ]);
const withServices = runHook (servicesHook);
const program = withServices (({app}) => Future ((rej, res) => {
const conn = app.listen (3000);
conn.once ('error', rej);
process.once ('SIGINT', res);
fork (console.error) (console.log) (program);
Some things to note about the example above, and general usage of Booture:
is aHook
, so before running it, it can be composed with other hooks usingmap
, andchain
, and even used in the definition of other bootstrappers.program
is aFuture
, so nothing happens until it's forked. Before forking it, it can be composed with other Futures usingmap
, andchain
, or any of the other functions provided by Fluture.
type Name = String
type Services a = Dict Name a
data Bootstrapper a b = Bootstrapper {
name :: Name,
needs :: Array Name,
bootstrap :: Services b -> Hook (Future c a) b
bootstrap :: Array (Bootstrapper a b) -> Hook (Future c a) (Services b)
Given a list of service bootstrappers, returns a Hook
that represents the
acquisition and disposal of these services. Running the hook allows for
consumption of the services.