bootstrap plugin to create modals in pure JavaScript, without jQuery
bootstrap plugin to create bootstrap modals in pure JavaScript.
This version is compatible with Bootstrap 5, but we remain a Bootstrap 4 compatible version with the branch bootstrap4-compatible. npm package versions 3.x are Bootstrap 5 compatible, versions 1.x Bootstrap 4 compatible.
With version 5.x of bootstrap-shop-modal we completely removed jQuery 🥳 🚀
npm install bootstrap-show-modal
Or just download this repository and include src/ShowModal.js
Simple Modal
bootstrap.showModal({title: "Hello World!", body: "A very simple modal dialog without buttons."})
Alert Dialog
bootstrap.showAlert({title: "Hi", body: "Please press ok, if you like or dislike cookies."})
Confirm Dialog
title: "Please confirm", body: "Do you like cats?", textTrue: "Yes", textFalse: "No",
onSubmit: function (result) { // callback on confirm
if (result) {
bootstrap.showAlert({title: "Result: " + result, body: "You like cats."})
} else {
bootstrap.showAlert({title: "Result: " + result, body: "You don't like cats."})
onDispose: function() {
console.log("The confirm dialog vanished")
this.props = {
title: "", // the dialog title html
body: "", // the dialog body html
footer: "", // the dialog footer html (mainly used for buttons)
modalClass: "fade", // Additional css for ".modal", "fade" for fade effect
modalDialogClass: "", // Additional css for ".modal-dialog", like "modal-lg" or "modal-sm" for sizing
options: { // The Bootstrap modal options as described here:
backdrop: 'static' // disallow closing on click in the background
draggable: false, // make the dialog draggable 🆕
// Events:
onCreate: null, // Callback, called after the modal was created
onShown: null, // Callback, called after the modal was shown and completely faded in
onDispose: null, // Callback, called after the modal was disposed
onSubmit: null // Callback of bootstrap.showConfirm(), called after yes or no was pressed
See the Bootstrap 4 Modal documentation for possible
values of options
, modalClass
and modalDialogClass
Minified version
I don't provide a minified version because I think it should be up to the using programmer to create minified versions, with all the used script sources concatenated to one file.
But, if you want it, it is easy to create your minified version with uglify:
Just install uglify
npm install uglify-js -g
and then in the src-folder
uglifyjs ShowModal.js --compress --mangle > ShowModal.min.js
Browser support
It works in all modern browsers and in the Internet Explorer. Not tested with IE < 11.
You may want to check out my further Bootstrap and HTML extensions
- bootstrap-input-spinner – Input numbers
- bootstrap-show-modal – Show dialogs, dynamically
- bootstrap-show-notification – Show notifications, dynamically
- bootstrap-detect-breakpoint – Read the curr. BS BP from JS
- auto-resize-textarea – Auto resize textareas by its content
- external-links-blank – Open all external links