chat and DJ bot for
#BOOM BOT V2.0.8
A bot for Control a Queue, Dj, welcome users, Call out haters, etc Come play with one!
Node.js NPM ttapi -
once you have node running, npm, and the ttapi installed:
Create a FB or twitter account for your new bot. Log in as the bot and use this to get your bots uid, auth token, and your rooms id: Now use the same method to get your personal accounts user id for control of the bot
Rename example.config.json to config.json and open in Sublime text 2 (Or your editor of choice... but really... go get sublime... its great..) replace the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's in the botinfo section with your bots auth, bot id, and replace the xxxxxxxxxxxx's in the admin section your own personal user id. replace botname in the botinfo section with what you want to call the bot.
Download Boombots Scripts and copy the ones you want into the scripts folder.
path to the saved location and run: node bin/boombot
Commands can be entered in chat or via PM to the bot
##Administrator/"The Master":
All commands for the master require the setting for botname to trigger. Commands are not required to be in any order: example - This is a really good song boombot. Will trigger the 'boombot good' command. (replace boombot with whatever you set in the config.json)
say - says in chat whatever you tell him to through pm
djmode - make the bot get on stage and DJ
getdown - make the bot get off stage
skip - makes the bot skip the track it is playing
good - remind the bot he's a good boy. Maybe he will kill you last during the robot apocalypse
dance - make the bot upvote this feature is not allowed and is de-activated by default
voodoo up - switch to the voodoo doll avatar (requires 100 dj points)
kitten up - switch to the green kitten avatar (requires 300 dj points)
alien up - switch to the alien avatar (requires 100 dj points)
vampire up - switch to the vampire avatar (requires 100 dj points)
addsong - adds the current playing song to the bots playlist
phone up - set the bots laptop to iPhone
fruit up - set the bots laptop to Mac
nix up - set the bots laptop to Linux
chrome up - sets the bots laptop to ChromeOS
droid up - sets the bots laptop to Android phone
blacklist - bans user from the room
listbans - lists banned users, the mod who banned them, and when they were banned
##Queue commands
/q - gives information on the current queue settings
q - list the current queue
q+ - add yourself to the queue
q- - remove yourself from the queue
/plays - list the play counts of each DJ on stage
##Queue control (Room Mods Only)
/q on - turn the queue on
/q off - turn the queue off
/settings - see the queues current settings
/1 - set the song limit to 1
/2 - set the song limit to 2
/3 - set the song limit to 3
/none - set the song limit to 100
##Automatic DJ mode
Boom Bot will hop up to save the day if the room drops to just 1 active DJ. He will hop back down again when a second DJ takes the stage.
npm test
I know nothing about node. This was a playground that seemed to be liked. No warranties, no guarantees. I will however help you to the best that I can if you have any issues or find any bugs.
If you're more experienced than I am and want to tell me how to make this better in any way. I am all ears. Feel free to fork, if you come up with some cool scripts you can request a pull back and I will add them.
Lastly, ENJOY IT!!!!! It's not the best or most feature filled bot, but I appreciate you using him! See the original and most feature filled version of Boom Bot at Whistle while you work where he lives.