Bombbomb - JavaScript client for bombbomb We make it easy to build relationships using simple videos. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0.22196
- Package version: 2.0.22196
- Build date: 2017-01-23T18:33:03.004Z
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install bombbomb --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var Bombbomb = require('bombbomb');
var defaultClient = Bombbomb.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BBOAuth2
var BBOAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['BBOAuth2'];
BBOAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new Bombbomb.AutomationsApi()
var dripId = "dripId_example"; // {String} The id of the drip
var dripDropId = "dripDropId_example"; // {String} The id of the drip drop
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.getDripDropStats(dripId, dripDropId, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- Bombbomb.AutomationsApi | getDripDropStats | GET /automation/{dripId}/dripdrop/{dripDropId}/stats | Get Automation Email Stats Bombbomb.AutomationsApi | getDripStats | GET /automation/{id}/stats | Get Automation Stats Bombbomb.CurriculumApi | getCurricula | GET /curricula/ | Get Curricula Bombbomb.CurriculumApi | getUserCurriculumWithProgress | GET /curriculum/getForUserWithProgress | Get Detailed For User Bombbomb.EmailsApi | createPrintingPressEmail | POST /emails/print | Create an Email with Printing Press Bombbomb.EmailsApi | getEmailTracking | GET /emails/{emailId}/tracking | Get Email Tracking Bombbomb.EmailsApi | getEmailTrackingInteractions | GET /emails/{emailId}/tracking/interactions | Get Email Tracking Interactions Bombbomb.EmailsApi | getHourlyEmailTracking | GET /emails/{emailId}/tracking/hourly | Get Hourly Email Tracking Bombbomb.PromptsApi | createPromptBot | POST /prompts/bots | Create a running Prompt Bot for a list Bombbomb.PromptsApi | createVideoEmailPrompt | POST /prompt | Prompts user to send a video Bombbomb.PromptsApi | getPendingVideoEmailPrompts | GET /prompt/pending | List pending prompts Bombbomb.PromptsApi | getPromptBots | GET /prompts/bots | List Prompt Bots Bombbomb.PromptsApi | getPromptCampaigns | GET /prompts/campaigns | List Prompt Campaigns Bombbomb.PromptsApi | getVideoEmailPrompt | GET /prompt/{id} | Gets a prompt Bombbomb.PromptsApi | getVideoEmailPrompts | GET /prompt/ | List prompts Bombbomb.PromptsApi | respondToVideoEmailPrompt | POST /prompt/{id}/response | Respond to a prompt Bombbomb.PromptsApi | updatePromptBot | PUT /prompts/bots/{id} | Update Prompt Bot Bombbomb.PromptsApi | updatePromptCampaign | PUT /prompts/campaigns/{id} | Update Prompt Campaign Bombbomb.TeamsApi | addTeamMember | POST /team/{teamId}/member | Add Member to Team Bombbomb.TeamsApi | cancelJerichoSend | DELETE /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId} | Cancel a Jericho Send Bombbomb.TeamsApi | createSubteam | POST /team/{teamId}/subteam | Add a Subteam Bombbomb.TeamsApi | deleteSubteam | DELETE /team/{teamId}/subteam | Delete Subteam Bombbomb.TeamsApi | getClientGroupAssets | GET /team/assets/ | Lists team assets Bombbomb.TeamsApi | getJerichoSends | GET /team/{teamId}/jericho | List Jericho Sends Bombbomb.TeamsApi | getJerichoStats | GET /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId}/performance | Gets Jericho performance statistics Bombbomb.TeamsApi | getSubteams | GET /team/{teamId}/subteam | List Subteams Bombbomb.TeamsApi | queueJerichoSend | POST /team/{teamId}/jericho | Creates a Jericho send. Bombbomb.TeamsApi | removeMemberFromTeam | DELETE /team/{teamId}/member/{userId} | Remove Member from Team Bombbomb.TeamsApi | updateTeam | POST /team/{teamId} | Update a team Bombbomb.UtilitiesApi | createOAuthClient | POST /oauthclient | Create an OAuth Client Bombbomb.UtilitiesApi | deleteOAuthClient | DELETE /oauthclient/{id} | Delete an OAuth Client Bombbomb.UtilitiesApi | getOAuthClients | GET /oauthclient | Lists OAuth Clients Bombbomb.UtilitiesApi | getSpec | GET /spec | Describes this api Bombbomb.VideosApi | getVideoRecorder | GET /videos/live/getRecorder | Get Live Video Recorder HTML Bombbomb.VideosApi | markLiveRecordingComplete | POST /videos/live/markComplete | Completes a live recording Bombbomb.VideosApi | signUpload | POST /video/signedUpload | Generate Signed Url Bombbomb.WebhooksApi | addWebHook | POST /webhook | Add Webhook Bombbomb.WebhooksApi | deleteWebHook | DELETE /webhook/{hookId} | Deletes Webhook Bombbomb.WebhooksApi | getWebHooks | GET /webhook/ | Lists Webhooks Bombbomb.WebhooksApi | listWebHookEvents | GET /webhook/events | Describe WebHook Events Bombbomb.WebhooksApi | sendWebhookExample | POST /webhook/test | Sends test Webhook
Documentation for Models
- Bombbomb.BBWebHook
- Bombbomb.Curriculum
- Bombbomb.CurriculumUserProgress
- Bombbomb.CurriculumWithProgress
- Bombbomb.InlineResponse200
- Bombbomb.InlineResponse200Items
- Bombbomb.JerichoConfiguration
- Bombbomb.JerichoPerformance
- Bombbomb.ModelString
- Bombbomb.OAuthClient
- Bombbomb.PromptBotBot
- Bombbomb.SignUploadRequest
- Bombbomb.SignUploadResponse
- Bombbomb.TeamPublicRepresentation
- Bombbomb.VideoEmailPrompt
- Bombbomb.VideoPublicRepresentation
- Bombbomb.VideoRecorderMethodResponse
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- all:manage: Manage All
- all:read: Read All
- email:manage: Manage Email
- email:read: Read Email
- video:manage: Manage Video
- video:read: Read Video
- contact:manage: Manage Contact
- contact:read: Read Contact
- curriculum:manage: Manage Curriculum
- curriculum:read: Read Curriculum
- automation:manage: Manage Automation
- automation:read: Read Automation
- form:manage: Manage Form
- form:read: Read Form
- team:manage: Manage Team
- team:read: Read Team
- settings:manage: Manage Settings