Boierplate for build easily and quickly the most front-end applications with sass, jquery, velocity and angular
inside this boilerplate there is two tools.
a micro framework css build with sass and inspired to bootstrap syntax.
- there is a :
- responsive grid, she is a mobile first view grid and she has 12 column
<div class="col-2">col 1</div>
<div class="col-m_2">col 1</div>
<div class="col-l-2">col 1</div>
- alert box :
<div class="alert alert-danger">danger</div>
<div class="alert alert-success">success</div>
<div class="alert alert-info">info</div>
<div class="alert alert-warning">warning</div>
- button design with material wave :
<div class="btn btn-danger waves-effect">danger</div>
<div class="btn btn-success">success</div>
<div class="btn btn-info">info</div>
- input with material design
<div class="field">
<label for="object" class="field-label">Object</label>
<input type="text" id="object" name="object" class="field-input">
- normalize css
- font roboto
- transition / transform / animation css3
This framework is totaly open sources and you can change it whithout any problem is under the MIT license
a task runner Gulp:
for using my gulp task it's very simple
in order:
- to build the css with sass and have a server browser -sync just launch the task 'gulp sass:watch'
- to check your css and js syntax, just launch the task 'gulp test'
- to put the HTML in production, just launch the task 'gulp html' and after launch 'gulp' for minify css and js